Workshop on Learning Theory and Functional Analysis

09 oktober 2024 10:00 — 10 oktober 2024 12:00 Lab 105, ORU Innovation Arena, Campus Örebro

Center for Health and Medical Psychology (CHAMP)

You are invited to workshop on advanced learning theory and functional analysis hosted by CHAMP.

Niklas Törneke will be conducting a theoretical and clinical workshop on learning theory and advanced functional analysis.

October 9, clinical workshop (in Swedish), at 10-16.

October 10, theoretical and research workshop (in English), at 10-12.

Please find more information here.

There is no fee!  Please keep in mind that we have a limited number of seats. Seats will be assigned on a first-come, first-served basis, so register as soon as possible to ensure a seat. The deadline for registration is September 29.

Traveling to Örebro University

Map ORU Innovation Arena.

The workshop is organized by the Center for Health and Medical Psychology, CHAMP.

Registration CHAMP workshop 9-10 October 2024


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