
PhD Day

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The PhD-day welcomes PhD candidates in the early stages of their projects. The aim of the PhD-day is networking and collegial interchange. We expect the candidate to present a problem or theme regarding their PhD that can be of interest to other candidates in Music education research. Merited respondents as well as student response will be provided.
Joint meals (at own cost) will be arranged.

The PhD Day is free of charge, but requires participation at the main conference.

Program for the PhD Day:

Only for pre-assigned participants. Registration deadline for the PhD Day is now closed.

Monday 27 March

  • 13.30 Welcome/opening at the School of Music, Theatre and Art, Musikfoajén. 

  • 14.00-16.30 (including a coffee break at 15.00) - Seminars

  • Ca. 18.00 - Informal dinner in Örebro town at own cost. 

Tuseday 28 March

  • 09.30-11.00 - Seminars

  • 11.00 - Registration for the conference of NNRME 2023, Musikfoajén. 

Please check this page regularly for an up-to-date version of the program.

For submission:

  • Please submit a short abstract (min 300 words) or longer text (max 5000 words) by January 15 (Extended deadline). The deadline is now closed. 

  • Send your paper by email with the subject ”PhD Day Paper” to