Peer-reviewed articles 2002-
C.C. Chan, J., Pettenuzzo, D., Poon, A. & Zhu, D. (2025). Conditional Forecasts in Large Bayesian VARs with Multiple Equality and Inequality Constraints. Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control.
Henrekson, M. & Johansson, D. (2025). Neo-Schumpeterian growth theory: Missing entrepreneurs results in incomplete policy advice. Small Business Economics, forthcoming.
Knutsson, D. (2025). The effect of water filtration on cholera mortality. Journal of Urban Economics.
Koch, M Lodefalk, M. (2025). Artificial Intelligence and Worker Stress: Evidence from Germany. Digital Society.
Andersson, F.W., Jordahl, H. & Kärnä, A. (2024). Ballooning bureaucracy? Stylized facts of growing administration in Swedish higher education. Constitutional Political Economy 35, 303–326.
Andersson Järnberg, L. , Andrén, D. , Hultkrantz, L. , Rutström, E. & Vimefall, E. (2024). Willingness to pay for private and public traffic safety improvements: the importance of the underlying good. Applied Economics, 1-14.
Baccini, L. , Lodefalk, M. & Sabolová, R. (2024). Economic Determinants of Attitudes Toward Migration: Firm-level Evidence from Europe. International Organization, 78 (1), 67-102.
Bandick, R. , Karpaty, P. & Tingvall, P. (2024). Import, Productivity, and Export Performances. Economics, 18 (1).
Beechey, M., Österholm, P. & Poon, A. (2024). “An International Analysis of the Trend Five-Year Government Bond Rate”. Scottish Journal of Political Economy, forthcoming.
Edvinsson, R., Karlsson, S. & Österholm, P. (2024). Does Money Growth Predict Inflation in Sweden? Evidence from Vector Autoregressions Using Four Centuries of Data. Empirical Economics, forthcoming.
Forslid, R., Herzing, M. (2024) "Vaccination strategies for different contact patterns:
weighing epidemiological against economic outcomes." International Journal of Health Economics and Management.
Golomoziy, V. , Mishura, Y. & Kladivko, K. (2024). A discrete-time model that weakly converges to a continuous-time geometric Brownian motion with Markov switching drift rate. Frontiers in Applied Mathematics and Statistics, 10.
Hatzigeorgiou, A. , Karpaty, P. , Kneller, R. & Lodefalk, M. (2024). Immigrant employment and the contract enforcement costs of offshoring. Review of World Economics, 160, 953-981.
Heller-Sahlgren, G. & Jordahl, H. (2024). Test scores and economic growth: Update and extension. Applied Economics Letters, 31(11), 1024–1027.
Henrekson, M., Johansson, D. & Karlsson, J. (2024). To be or not to be: The entrepreneur in neo-Schumpeterian growth theory. Entrepreneurship, Theory and Practice, 48(1), 104-140.
Karlsson, N. & Lunander, A. (2024). A stochastic analysis of the 4 x 100 m relay. International journal of sports science & coaching, 19 (6), 2574-2588.
Karlsson, N. & Lunander, A. (2024). The strategic jump-the order effect on winning "The Final Three" in long jump competitions. Journal of Quantitative Analysis in Sports, 20 (3), 265-276.
Kladívko, K. & Österholm, P. (2024). An Analysis of UK Households’ Directional Forecasts of Interest Rates. Journal of Business Cycle Research, forthcoming.
Kyvik Nordås, H. & Klügl, F. (2024). Double whammy? Trade and automation in engineering services. Review of International Economics, forthcoming.
Mitchell, J., Poon, A. & Zhu, D. (2024). Constructing density forecasts from quantile regressions: Multimodality in macro-financial dynamics. Journal of Applied Econometrics, forthcoming.
Poon, A. & Zhu, D. (2024). Do recessions and bear markets occur concurrently across countries? A multinomial logistic approach. Journal of Financial Econometrics, forthcoming.
Agarwal, N., Chan, J.M.L., Lodefalk M., Tang, A., Tano, S.,Wang, Z. (2023) Mitigating information frictions in trade: Evidence from export credit guarantees. Journal of International Economics.
Andersson Järnberg, L. & Värja, E. (2023). The composition of local government expenditure and income growth: the case of Sweden. Regional Studies, 57(9): 1784-1797. DOI: 10.1080/00343404.2022.2131755
Andrén, D. (2023). Prioritizing Suicide Prevention through the Lens of the Individual's Well-Being. Journal of Mental Health Policy and Economics, 26 (Suppl. 1), S4-S4.
Andrén, D. (2023). Valuing Depression Using the Well-Being Valuation Approach. Journal of Happiness Studies, 24 (1), 107-140.
Armelius, H., Solberger, M., Spånberg, E. & Österholm, P. (2023), The Evolution of the Natural Rate of Interest – Evidence from the Scandinavian Countries. Empirical Economics, forthcoming.
Beechey, M., Österholm, P. & Poon, A. (2023). Estimating the US Trend Short-Term Interest Rate. Finance Research Letters, 55, 103913.
Berger, H., Karlsson, S. & Österholm, P. (2023), A Note of Caution on the Relation between Money Growth and Inflation. Scottish Journal of Political Economy, forthcoming.
Chan, J., Poon, A, & Zhu, D. (2023). High-dimensional conditionally Gaussian state space models with missing data. Journal of Econometrics, forthcoming.
Cross, J., Hou, C., Koop, G. & Poon, A. (2023). Large stochastic volatility in mean VARs. Journal of Econometrics, forthcoming.
Daunfeldt, S-O. & Westerberg, H. (2023). High-growth firms and the labor market entry of first-generation immigrants. International Review of Entrepreneurship, forthcoming.
Elert, N., Johansson, D., Stenkula, M., & Wykman, N. (2023). The evolution of owner-entrepreneurs’ taxation: five tax regimes over a 160-year period. Journal of Evolutionary Economics, 33(2), 517–540.
Gefang, G., Koop, G. & Poon, A. (2023). Forecasting using variational Bayesian inference in large vector autoregressions with hierarchical shrinkage, International Journal of Forecasting, 39 (1), 346-363.
Johansson, C., Kärnä, A. & Meriläinen, J. (2023). Vox populi, vox dei? Tacit collusion in politics. Economics & Politics, forthcoming.
Karlsson, S. & Österholm, P. (2023). Is the US Phillips Curve Stable? Evidence from Bayesian Vector Autoregressions. Scandinavian Journal of Economics, 125 (1), 287-314.
Kiss, T., Kladívko, K., Silfverberg, O. & Österholm, P. (2023). Market Participants or the Random Walk – Who Forecasts Better? Evidence from Micro-Level Survey Data. Finance Research Letters, 54, 103752.
Kiss, T., Mazur, S., Nguyen, H. & Österholm, P. (2023). Modelling the Relation between the US Real Economy and the Corporate Bond-Yield Spread in Bayesian VARs with non-Gaussian Innovations. Journal of Forecasting, 42 (2), 347-368.
Kiss, T., Nguyen, H. & Österholm, P. (2023). Modelling Okun’s Law – Does non-Gaussianity Matter? Empirical Economics, 64, 2183-2213.
Kladívko, K. & Österholm, P. (2023). Analysts versus the Random Walk in Financial Forecasting: Evidence from the Czech National Bank’s Financial Market Inflation Expectations Survey. Applied Economics, forthcoming.
Kladívko, K. & Rusy, T. (2023). Maximum likelihood estimation of the Hull–White model. Journal of Empirical Finance, 70, 227-247.
Kladívko, K. & Zervos, M. (2023). Mean-variance hedging of contingent claims with random maturity. Mathematical Finance, forthcoming.
Klügl, F & Kyvik Nordås, H. (2023). Modelling Agent Decision Making in Agent-based Simulation - Analysis Using an Economic Technology Uptake Model. Proceedings of the 2023 International Conference on Autonomous Agents and Multiagent Systems (AAMAS) London, 1903-1911. doi 10.5555/3545946.3598857
Koop, G., McIntyre, S., Mitchell, J. & Poon, A. (2023). Reconciled Estimates of Monthly GDP in the United States, Journal of Business & Economic Statistics, 41:2, 563-577, DOI: 10.1080/07350015.2022.2044336
Koop, G.,McIntyre, S.,Mitchell, J., Poon, A. & Wu, P. (2023). Incorporating short data into large mixed-frequency VARs for regional nowcasting. Journal of the Royal Statistical Society: Series A, forthcoming.
Kyvik Nordås, H. (2023). Services in the India-EU free trade agreement, International Economics, forthcoming.
Kärnä, A. & Öhberg, P. (2023). Misrepresentation and migration. Kyklos, fortcoming.
Lodefalk, M. & Andersson, F. W. (2023). Business angels and firm performance: First evidence from population data. PLOS ONE, 18 (3): e0283690.
Lorz., O. & Thede, S. (2023), Tariff overhang and aid: Theory and empirics, Journal of Development Economics, 166, forthcoming.
Lunander, A. & Karlsson, N. (2023). Choosing opponents in skiing sprint elimination tournaments. Journal of Quantitative Analysis in Sports, 19 (3), 205-221.
Nguyen, H. & Österholm, P. (2023). A Note on The Dynamic Effects of Supply and Demand Shocks in the Crude Oil Market. Applied Economics Letters, forthcoming.
Poon, A, Iacopini, M, Rossini, Luca & Zhu, D. (2023) Bayesian Mixed-Frequency Quantile Vector Autoregression: Eliciting tail risks of Monthly US GDP. Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control, forthcoming.
Thede, S. & Karpaty, P. (2023). Effects of corruption on foreign direct investment: Evidence from Swedish multinational enterprises, Journal of Comparative Economics, 51 (1), 348-371.
Vimefall, E. & Levin, J. (2023). Income Diversification Among Farming Households Headed by Women in Rural Kenya. Feminist Economics, 29 (2), 219-251.
Westerberg, H. S. (2023). Are payroll tax cuts absorbed by insiders? Evidence from the Swedish retail industry. Applied Economics, 55(23), 2694–2708.
Andrén, D. (2022). Valuing Mental Illness by Using the Well-Being Valuation Method. Journal of Mental Health Policy and Economics, 25 (Suppl. 1), S2-S2.
Andrén D (2022). Wellbeing and healthcare priority settings in Sweden at the beginning of the COVID-19 omicron wave. BMJ Global Health, 2022;7:A9.
Bergh, A., and Kärnä, A. (2022). Explaining the rise of populism in European democracies 1980–2018: The role of labor market institutions and inequality. Social Science Quarterly, 103: 1719–1731.
Carbone, E., Dixit, V. & Rutström, E. (2022). Should I stay or should I go? Congestion pricing and equilibrium selection in a transportation network. Theory and Decision, 93, 535–562.
Henrekson, M., Kärnä, A. & Sanandaji, T. (2022). Schumpeterian entrepreneurship: Coveted by policymakers but impervious to top-down policymaking. Journal of Evolutionary Economics, 32, 867–890.
Hjalmarsson, E., & Kiss, T. (2022). Long-run predictability tests are even worse than you thought. Journal of Applied Econometrics, 37(7), 1334–1355.
Javed. F., Kiss, T. & Österholm, P. (2022). Performance Analysis of Nowcasting of GDP Growth when Allowing for Conditional Heteroscedasticity and Non-Gaussianity. Applied Economics, 50 (58), 6669-6686.
Johansson, D. & Karlsson, J (2022). Information technology and high-impact entrepreneurship. International Journal of Entrepreneurial Venturing, 14(4–5), 449–471.
Kiss, T., Mazur, S., & Nguyen, H. (2022). Predicting returns and dividend growth—The role of non-Gaussian innovations. Finance Research Letters, 46, 102315.
Kiss, T., Nguyen, H. & Österholm, P. (2022). The Relation between the High-Yield Bond Spread and the Unemployment Rate in the Euro Area. Finance Research Letters, 46, 102365.
Koop, G., McIntyre, S., Mitchell, J., & Poon, A. (2022). Using stochastic hierarchical aggregation constraints to nowcast regional economic aggregates. International Journal of Forecasting, forthcoming.
Kärnä, A., Karlsson, J., Engberg., E & Svensson, P. (2022). Political failure: a missing piece in innovation policy analysis. Economics of Innovation and New Technology, forthcoming.
Kärnä, A. & Stephan, A. (2022). Do firms in rural regions lack access to credit? Local variation in small business loans and firm growth, Regional Studies, 56 (11), 1919-1933. DOI: 10.1080/00343404.2021.2016681
Lodefalk, M., Sjöholm, F. & Tang, A., (2022). International Trade and Labor Market Integration of Immigrants. The World Economy, 45(6), 1650-1689.
Poon, A, and Zhu, D. (2022). A new Bayesian model for contagion and interdependence, Econometric Reviews, 41:7, 806-826, DOI: 10.1080/07474938.2022.2072319
Vimefall, E., Persson, M., Olofsson, S. & Hultkrantz, L. (2022). Is Prevention of Suicide Worth Less? A Comparison of the Value per Statistical Life. The European Journal of Health Economics, 23(2), 261-275.
Vimefall, E., Sahrblom, F. & Nordlöf, K. (2022). Costs and benefits of an early intervention for juvenile offenders – The ‘Treatment Foster Care Oregon Program’, Children and Youth Services Review, 142, 106452.
Österholm, P., & Poon, A. (2022). Trend Inflation in Sweden. International Journal of Finance & Economics, 1–10.
Angelis, H. Glenngård, A. H. & Jordahl, H. (2021). Management practices and the quality of primary care. Public Money & Management, 41(3), 264-271.
Benz, S., Ferencz, J. & Kyvik Nordås, H. (2021). Regulatory barriers to trade in services: A new database and composite indices. The World Economy, 43, 2860-2879.
Bergh, A. & Kärnä, A (2021). Globalization and populism in Europe. Public Choice, 189(1), 51-70.
Engelheart, S., Andrén, D., Repsilber, D., Bertéus Forslund, H., & Brummer, R. J. (2021). Nutritional status in older people: an explorative analysis. Clinical Nutrition ESPEN, 46, 424-433.
Hatzigeorgiou, A. & Lodefalk, M. (2021). A Literature Review of the Nexus between Migration and Internationalization. Journal of International Trade & Economic Development, 30(3), 319-340.
Hjalmarsson, E. & Kiss, T. (2021). Dividend Growth Does Not Help Predict Returns Compared To Likelihood-Based Tests: An Anatomy of the Dog. Critical Finance Review, (10)3, pp. 445-464.
Hjalmarsson, E. & Österholm, P. (2021), “Anchoring in Surveys of Household Expectations”. Economics Letters 198, 109687.
Holmefur, M., Roshanay, A., White, S., Janeslätt G., Vimefall, E. & Lindström-Holmqvist, K. (2021). Evaluation of the “Let’s Get Organized” group intervention to improve time management: protocol for a multi-centre randomized controlled trial. Trials, 22(1), 1-15.
Hultkrantz, L., (2021). Discounting in economic evaluation of healthcare interventions: what about the risk term? European Journal of Health Economics, 22(3), 357-363.
Johannesson, L. & Kyvik Nordås, H. (2021). Services trade: the great gender equalizer?. Foreign Trade Review, 56(3), 341-363.
Jordahl, H. Persson, L. (2021). The end of a trend: retraction of choice in Swedish elderly care. Journal of Economic Policy Reform, 24(2), 189-200,
Karlsson, J. (2021). Firm size and growth barriers: a data-driven approach. Small Business Economics, 57(3), 1319-1338.
Kiss, T., Nguyen, H. & Österholm, P. (2021). Modelling Returns in US Housing Prices – You’re the One for Me, Fat Tails. Journal of Risk and Financial Management, 14(11), 506.
Kiss, T. & Österholm, P. (2021). Corona, Crisis and Conditional Heteroscedasticity. Applied Economics Letters, 28(9), 755-759.
Kladívko, K. & Österholm, P. (2021). Do Market Participants’ Forecasts of Financial Variables Outperform the Random-Walk Benchmark?. Finance Research Letters, 40, 101712.
Knezevic, D., Nordström, M. & Österholm, P. (2021). The Relation between Municipal and Government Bond Yields in an Era of Unconventional Monetary Policy. Economic Notes 50 (1), e12176.
Kyvik Nordås, H. & Klügl, F. (2021). Drivers of automation and consequences for jobs in engineering services: an agent-based modelling approach. Frontiers in Robotics and AI 8.
Kyvik Nordås, H. (2021). Editorial. Foreign Trade Review, 56(3) 235–237.
Kyvik Nordås, H. (2021). Make or Buy: Offshoring of Services Functions in Manufacturing. Review of Industrial Organization, 57, 351-378.
Kärnä, A., Manduchi, A. & Stephan A. (2021). Distance Still Matters. Local Bank Closures and Credit Availability. International Review of Finance, 21(4), 1503-1510.
Kärnä, A. (2021). Take it to the (public) bank: The efficiency of public bank loans to private firms. German Economic Review, 22 (1), 27-62.
Lindgren, S. (2021). A sound investment? Traffic noise mitigation and property values. Journal of Environmental Economics and Policy, 10(4), 428-445.
Lindgren, S. (2021). Noisy Neighborhood but Nice House? Pollution and the Choice of Residential Location and Housing Quality. Land Economics, 97(4), 781-796.
Lindgren, S. (2021). The Coast is Clear: Shipping Emission Standards, Air Quality and Infant Health. Transportation Research Part D: Transport and Environment, 100, 103067.
Feldman, I., Hultkrantz, L., Nystrand, C. & Vimefall, E. (2020). Economic Return on Investment of Parent Training Programmes for the Prevention of Child Externalising Behaviour Problems. Administration and Policy in Mental Health, 47(2), 300-315.
Gustafsson, A., Gustavsson Tingvall, P. & Halvarsson, D. (2020). Subsidy entrepreneurs: an Inquiry into Firms Seeking Public Grants. Journal of Industry, Competition and Trade, 20(3), 439-478.
Henderson, V., Kladivko, K., Monoyios, M & Reisinger C. (2020). Executive stock option exercise with full and partial information on a drift change point. SIAM Journal on Financial Mathematics, 11(4), 1007-1062
Henrekson, M., Johansson, D. & Stenkula M. (2020). The Rise and Decline of Industrial Foundations as Controlling Owners of Swedish Listed Firms: The Role of Tax Incentives. Scandinavian Economic History Review, 68(2), 170–191.
Hjalmarsson, E. and Österholm, P. (2020), “Heterogeneity in Households Expectations of Housing Prices – Evidence from Micro Data”, Journal of Housing Economics 50, 101731.
Johansson, D., Karlsson, J. & Malm, A. (2020). Family business - A missing link in economics? Journal of Family Business Strategy, 11(1), 1-10. 100306.
Johansson, D., Stenkula, M. & Wykman, N. (2020). The Taxation of Industrial Foundations in Sweden (1862–2018). Nordic Tax Journal.1-14.
Karlsson, S. and Österholm, P. (2020), “A Note on the Stability of the Swedish Phillips Curve", Empirical Economics 59 (6), 2573-2612.
Karlsson, S. and Österholm, P. (2020), “A Hybrid Time-Varying Parameter Bayesian VAR Analysis of Okun's Law in the United States”, Economics Letters 197, 109622
Karlsson, S. and Österholm, P. (2020). The Relation between the Corporate Bond-Yield Spread and the Real Economy: Stable or Time-Varying? Economics Letters, 186, 108883.
Kiss, T. and Österholm, P. (2020), “Fat Tails in Leading Indicators”, Economics Letters 193, 109317.
Knezevic, D. (2020). Intertemporal Diversification of Sub-Sovereign Debt. Empirical Economics 58 (3), 453-487.
Kyvik Nordås, H. (2020). Frankel and Romer revisited. International Economics, 159, 26-35.
Kyvik Nordås, H. (2020). Telecommunications: The Underlying Transport Means for Services Exports. Trade, Law and Development, 12 (1), 158-187.
Nordström, M. (2020). A Forecast Evaluation of the Riksbank's Policy-Rate Projections. Economic Notes 49 (3), e12167.
Nordström, M. (2020). Consumption and the Interest Rate – A Changing Dynamic? Applied Economics 52 (51), 5564-5578.
Nordström, M. (2020). Credit Spread and Employment Growth – A Time-Varying Relationship? Applied Economics Letters 28 (1), 23-31.
Andersson, F., Jordahl, H. & Josephson, J. (2019). Outsourcing public services: Contractibility, cost, and quality. CESifo Economic Studies, 65 (4), 349–372.
Daunfeldt, S-O., Johansson, D. & Westerberg Seerar, H. (2019). Which firms provide jobs for unemployed non-Western immigrants? The Service Industries Journal, 39 (9–10), 762–778.
Hatzigeorgiou, A. & Lodefalk, M. (2019). Migration and Servicification: Do Immigrant Employees Spur Firm Exports of Services?. The World Economy, 42(11), 3368-3401.
Hjalmarsson, E. and Österholm, P. (2019), “A Micro-Data Analysis of Households’ Expectations of Mortgage Rates”, Economics Letters 185, 108693.
Jordahl, H. (2019). Perspectives on public sector outsourcing: Quasi-markets and prices. CESifo Economic Studies, 65 (4), 343–348.
Karlsson, S. and Österholm, P. (2019), “Volatilities, Drifts and the Relation between Treasury Yields and Corporate Bond Yield Spreads in Australia”, Finance Research Letters 30, 378-384.
Olofsson, S., Gerdtham, U.G., Hultkrantz, L. & Persson, U. (2019). Dread and Risk Elimination Premium for the Value of a Statistical Life. Risk Analysis, 39(11), 2391-2407.
Olofsson, S., Gerdtham, U.G., Hultkrantz, L. & Persson, U. (2019). The Value of a QALY and VSI Estimated with the Chain Approach. European Journal of Health Economics, 20 (7), 1063–1077.
Andersen, S. , Cox, J. C. , Harrison, G. W. , Lau, M. I. , Rutström, E. & Sadiraj, V. (2018). Asset Integration and Attitudes to Risk: Theory and Evidence. Review of Economics and Statistics, 100 (5). 816-830.
Andersen, S., Harrison, G. W., Lau, M. I., & Rutström, E. E. (2018). Multiattribute utility theory, intertemporal utility, and correlation aversion. International Economic Review, 59(2), 537-555.
Andersson, F. , Johansson, D. , Karlsson, J. , Lodefalk, M. & Poldahl, A. (2018). The Characteristics of Family Firms: Exploiting Information on Ownership, Kinship and Governance Using Total Population Data. Small Business Economics, 51 (3), 539-556.
Andersson, F., Johansson, D., Karlsson, J., Lodefalk, M & Poldahl, A. (2018). Female Top Management in Family Firms and Non-Family Firms: Evidence from Total Population Data. International Journal of Entrepreneurship and Small Business, 35(3): 303–326.
Andersson, H. , Hultkrantz, L. , Lindberg, G. & Nilsson, J. (2018). Economic Analysis and Investment Priorities in Sweden's Transport Sector. Journal of Benefit-Cost Analysis, 9 (1), 120-146.
Hultkrantz, L. & Mantalos, P. (2018). Hedging with trees: Tail-hedge discounting of long-term forestry returns. Journal of Forest Economics, 30, 52-57.
Hultkrantz, L. & Savsin, S. (2018). Is 'referencing' a remedy to hypothetical bias in value of time elicitation?: Evidence from economic experiments. Transportation,45 (6), 1827-1847.
Hultkrantz, L. , Värja, E. & Larsson Tholén, S. (2018). Political and economic determinants of expenditure on day services for persons with intellectual disabilities or autism [Vad förklarar variationen i kostnad per brukare i dagligverksamhet i svenska kommuner?]. European Journal of Social Work, 21 (2), 207-221.
Karlsson, J. (2018). Does Regional Context Matter for Family Firm Employment Growth? Journal of Family Business Strategy, 9(4), 293-310.
Kyvik Nordås, H. (2018). What drives trade in services?: Lessons from the Nordics. Applied Economics, 50 (33), 3532-3545.
Lodefalk, M. & Tang, A. (2018). The impact of hiring top workers on productivity: What is the role of absorptive capacity?. Applied Economics Letters, 25 (20), 1402-1406.
Mantalos, P. & Hultkrantz, L. (2018). Estimating 'gamma' for tail-hedge discount rates when project returns are cointegrated with GDP. Applied Economics, 50 (37), 4074-4085.
Olofsson, S. K. , Gerdtham, U. G. , Hultkrantz, L. & Persson, U. B. (2018). Measuring the end-of-life premium in cancer using individual ex ante willingness to pay. European Journal of Health Economics, 19 (6), 807-820.
Persson, M. , Wennberg, L. , Beckman, L. , Salmivalli, C. & Svensson, M. (2018). The Cost-Effectiveness of the Kiva Antibullying Program: Results from a Decision-Analytic Model. Prevention Science, 19 (6), 728-737.
Stockhammar, P. & Österholm, P. (2018). Do inflation expectations granger cause inflation?. Economia Politica, 35 (2), 403-431.
Österholm, P. (2018), “The Relation between Treasury Yields and Corporate Bond Yield Spreads in Australia – Evidence from VARs”, Finance Research Letters 24, 186-192.
Andersson, L. , Karpaty, P. & Savsin, S. (2017). Labour Demand, Offshoring and Inshoring: Evidence from Swedish Firm-level Data. The World Economy, 40 (2), 240-274.
Billstam, M., Fränden, K., Samuelsson, J. and Österholm, P. (2017), “Quasi-Real-Time Data of the Economic Tendency Survey”, Journal of Business Cycle Research 13 (1), 105-138.
Bornhäll, A., Daunfeldt, S-O., & Rudholm, N. (2017). Do employment protection legislation prevent firm growth? Evidence from a natural experiment. Industrial and Corporate Change, 26(1), 169-185
Dixit, V. V. , Ortmann, A. , Rutström, E. & Ukkusuri, S. V. (2017). Experimental Economics and choice in transportation: Incentives and context. Transportation Research Part C: Emerging Technologies, 77, 161-184.
Eliasson, K. , Hansson, P. & Lindvert, M. (2017). Effects of foreign acquisitions on R&D and high-skill activities. Small Business Economics, 49 (1), 163-187.
Flodberg, C. and Österholm, P. (2017), “A Statistical Analysis of Revisions of Swedish National Accounts Data”, Finnish Economic Papers 28 (1), 10-33.
Gidehag, A. & Lodefalk, M. (2017). Recruiting for Small Business Growth: Micro-Level Evidence. International Review of Entrepreneurship, 15 (2), 151-174.
Hjalmarsson, E. and Österholm, P. (2017), “Households’ Mortgage-Rate Expectations – More Realistic than at First Glance?”, Sveriges Riksbank Economic Review 2017:2, 57-64.
Hultkrantz, L. , Karpaty, P. & Vimefall, E. (2017). Education-earnings linkage for assessing societal benefits of interventions for children and youth in Sweden. Psychosocial Intervention, 26 (3), 171-179.
Hultkrantz, L. & Vimefall, E. (2017). Social Investment Funds in Sweden: Status and Design Issues. Scandinavian Journal of Public Administration, 21 (3), 85-108.
Johannesson, L. & Mavroidis, P. C. (2017). The WTO dispute settlement system 1995-2016: A data set and its descriptive statistics. Journal of World Trade, 51 (3), 357-408.
Johansson, D. & Malm, A. (2017). Economics Doctoral Programs Still Elide Entrepreneurship. Econ Journal Watch, 14 (2), 196-217.
Kyvik Nordås, H. & Rouzet D. (2017). The impact of services trade restrictiveness on trade flows. World Economy, 40 (6), 1155-118.
Larsson Tholén, S. , Hultkrantz, L. & Persson, M. (2017). Economic Evaluation of Supported-Employment Inspired Program for Pupils With Intellectual Disabilities. Nordic Journal of Working Life Studies, 7 (1), 69-86.
Lodefalk, M. (2017). Servicification of Firms and Trade Policy Implications. World Trade Review, 16 (1), 59-83.
Svensson, M. & Hultkrantz, L. (2017). A Comparison of Cost-Benefit and Cost-Effectiveness Analysis in Practice: Divergent Policy Practices in Sweden. Nordic Journal of Health Economics, 5 (2), 41-53.
Stockhammar, P. & Österholm, P. (2017). The Impact of US Uncertainty Shocks on Small Open Economies. Open Economies Review, 28 (2), 347-368.
Vimefall, E. , Andrén, D. & Levin, J. (2017). Ethnolinguistic Background and Enrolment in Primary Education: Evidence from Kenya. African Development Review, 29 (1), 81-91.
Värja, E. , Larsson Tholén, S. & Hultkrantz, L. (2017). Analysis of cost and quality indicators of day activity service programmes in Sweden. Scandinavian Journal of Disability Research, 19 (4), 347-361.
Andersson, L. , Karpaty, P. & Savsin, S. (2016). Firm-level effects of offshoring of materials and services on relative labor demand. Review of World Economics, 152 (2), 321-350.
Andrén, D. & Andrén, T. (2016). Women’s and men’s responses to in-work benefits: the influence of children. IZA Journal of Labor Policy, 5 (3), 1-24.
Bornhäll, Anders, Johansson, Dan and Palmberg, Johanna (2016). "The Capital Constraint Paradox in Micro and Small Family and Nonfamily Firms." Journal of Entrepreneurship and Public Policy, 5(1), 38–62.
Daunfeldt, Sven-Olov, Elert, Niklas and Johansson, Dan (2016). "Are High-Growth Firms Overrepresented in High-tech Industries." Industrial and Corporate Change, 25(1), 1–21.
Eliasson, K. & Hansson, P. (2016). Are workers more vulnerable in tradable industries?. Review of World Economics, 152 (2), 283-320.
Fölster, S. , Jansson, L. & Gidehag, A. N. (2016). The effect of local business climate on employment. Journal of Entrepreneurship and Public Policy, 5 (1), 2-24.
Hatzigeorgiou, A. & Lodefalk, M. (2016). The Brexit Trade Disruption Revisited. The Estey Journal of International Law and Trade Policy, 17 (1), 41-58.
Hatzigeorgiou, A. & Lodefalk, M. (2016). Migrants' Influence on Firm-level Exports. Journal of Industry, Competition and Trade, 16 (4), 477-497.
Lodefalk, M. (2016). Temporary expats for exports: micro-level evidence. Review of World Economics, 152 (4), 733-772.
Värja, E. (2016). Sports and Local Growth in Sweden: Is a Sports Team Good for Local Economic Growth? International Journal of Sports Finance, 11(4), 269-287.
Westin, J., de Jong, G., Vierth, I., Karlsson, R., Krüger, N. A., Johansson M., (2016), Analyzing model uncertainty and economies of scale of the Swedish national freight model to changes in transport demand, European Journal of Transport and Infrastructure Research, 16(4), 619-632.
Andrén, D. & Andrén, T. (2015). Gender and occupational wage gaps in Romania: from planned equality to market inequality?. IZA Journal of European Labor Studies, 4 (10), 1-27.
Andrén, D. & Granlund, D. (2015). Introducing waiting times for health care in a labor supply model for sickness absence. Nordic Journal of Health Economics, 3 (1), 34-46.
Anyadike-Danes, Michael, Bjuggren, Carl Magnus, Gottschalk, Sandra, Hölzl, Werner, Johansson, Dan, Maliranta, Mika and Myrann, Anja (2015). "An International Cohort Comparison of Size Effects on Job Growth." Small Business Economics, 44(4): 821–844.
Bornhäll, A., Daunfeldt, S. O., & Rudholm, N. (2015). Sleeping gazelles: High profits but no growth. Frontiers of Entrepreneurship Research, in press.
Daunfeldt, Sven-Olov, Halvarsson, Daniel and Johansson, Dan (2015). "Using the Eurostat-OECD Definition of High-Growth Firms: A Cautionary Note." Journal of Entrepreneurship and Public Policy, 4(1): 50–56.
Elert, Niklas, Fredrik W. Andersson, and Karl Wennberg. "The impact of entrepreneurship education in high school on long-term entrepreneurial performance." Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization 111 (2015): 209-223.
Erixon, L. & Johannesson, L. (2015). Is the psychology of high profits detrimental to industrial renewal?: experimental evidence for the theory of transformation pressure. Journal of evolutionary economics, 25 (2), 475-511.
Hatzigeorgiou, A. & Lodefalk, M. (2015). Trade, Migration and Integration: Evidence and Policy Implications. The World Economy, 38 (12), 2013-2048.
Johannesson, L. & Mavroidis, P. C. (2015). Black Cat, White Cat: The Identity of the WTO Judges. Journal of World Trade, 49 (4), 685-698.
Johansson, D. , Stenkula, M. & Du Rietz, G. (2015). Capital Income Taxation of Swedish Households, 1862-2010. Scandinavian Economic History Review, 63 (2), 154-177.
Karpaty, P. & Tingvall, P. G. (2015). Offshoring and Home Country R&D. The World Economy, 38 (4), 655-676.
Krüger, N. A., Vierth, I., (2015), Precautionary and Operational Costs of Delays: A Case Study of a Swedish Grocery Company, European Transport Research Review, 7 (6).
Levin, J., Lofgren, H. and Dessus. S (2015), Impact of Aid and Public Spending – A Macro-Micro Framework, Journal of International Development Vol. 27. Published by John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
Sund Björn, Svensson Mikael, Andersson Henrik, (2015), “Demographic determinants of incidence experience and risk perception: Do high-risk Groups accurately perceive themselves as high-risk?”, Journal of Risk Research, forthcoming.
Ryen Linda and Svensson Mikael, (2015), “The Willingness to Pay for a QALY: A Review of the Empirical Literature”, Health Economics,.
Tang, A. (2015). Does Gibrat’s Law hold for Swedish energy firms?. Empirical Economics, 49 (2), 659-674.
Vimefall, E., & Levin, J. (2015). Welfare impact of higher maize prices when allowing for heterogeneous price increases. Food Policy, 57, 1-12.
Andren, D. (2014). Does Part-Time Sick Leave Help Individuals with Mental Disorders Recover Lost Work Capacity?. Journal of occupational rehabilitation, 24 (2), 344-360.
Bandick, R. , Goerg, H. & Karpaty, P. (2014). Foreign Acquisitions, Domestic Multinationals, and R&D. Scandinavian Journal of Economics, 116 (4), 1091-1115.
Coad, Alex, Daunfeldt, Sven-Olov, Hölzl, Werner, Johansson, Dan and Nightingale, Paul (2014). "High-growth Firms: Introduction to Special Section." Industrial and Corporate Change, 23(1): 91–112.
Coad, Alex, Daunfeldt, Sven-Olov, Johansson, Dan and Wennberg, Karl (2014). "Whom Do High-growth Firms Hire?" Industrial and Corporate Change, 23(1): 293–327.
Daunfeldt, Sven-Olov, Elert, Niklas and Johansson, Dan (2014). "The Economic Contribution of High-Growth Firms: Do Policy Implications Depend on the Choice of Growth Indicator?" Journal of Industry, Competition and Trade, 14(3): 337–365.
Elert, Niklas. "What determines entry? Evidence from Sweden." The annals of regional science53.1 (2014): 55-92.
Hultkrantz, L. , Andersson, L. & Mantalos, P. (2014). Stumpage prices in Sweden 1909-2012: Testing for non-stationarity. Journal of Forest Economics, 20 (1), 33-46.
Hultkrantz, L. , Krüger, N. & Mantalos, P. (2014). Risk-adjusted long-term social rates of discount for transportation infrastructure investment. Research in Transportation Economics, 47, 70-81.
Levin, J. and Widell L. (2014), Tax evasion in Kenya and Tanzania – Evidence from Missing Imports, Economic Modelling.
Lodefalk, M. (2014). The role of services for manufacturing firm exports. Review of World Economics, 150 (1), 59-82.
Stenkula, Mikael, Johansson, Dan and Du Rietz, Gunnar (2014). "Marginal Taxation on Labor Income in Sweden from 1862 to 2010." Scandinavian Economic History Review, 26(2): 163–187.
Andersson Henrik and Svensson Mikael, (2014), ”Scale Sensitivity and Question Order in the Contingent Valuation Method”, Journal of Environmental Planning and Management, 57: 1746-1761.
Andrén, T. & Andrén, D. (2013). Never give up?: The persistence of welfare participation in Sweden. IZA Journal of European Labor Studies, 2 (1).
Daunfeldt, Sven-Olov och Elert, Niklas (2013). When is Gibrat’s Law a Law? Small Business Economics, 41(1): 133-147.
Hultkrantz, L. (2013). A note on high-speed rail investments and travelers' value of time. Journal of Rail Transport Planning & Management, 3 (1-2), 14-21.
Krüger, N. A., (2013), Fatal Connections – Socioeconomic Determinants of Road Accident Risk and Drunk Driving in Sweden, Journal of Safety Research, 46 (Sep 2013), 59–65.
Lodefalk, M. (2013). Servicification of manufacturing: evidence from Sweden. International Journal of Economics and Business Research, 6 (1), 87-113.
Lunander, A. & Lundberg, S. (2013). Bids and costs in combinatorial and noncombinatorial procurement auctions: evidence from procurement of public cleaning contracts. Contemporary economic policy, 31 (4), 733-745.
Persson Mattias and Svensson Mikael, (2013), “The Willingness to Pay to Reduce School Bullying”, Economics of Education Review, 35: 1-11.
Jakobsson Niklas, Persson Mattias and Svensson Mikael, (2013), “Class-Size Effects on Adolescents’ Mental Health and Well-Being in Swedish Schools”, Education Economics, 21: 248-263.
Andrén, D. & Svensson, M. (2012). Part-time sick leave as a treatment method for individuals with musculoskeletal disorders. Journal of occupational rehabilitation, 22 (3), 418-426.
Andrén, D. (2012). Romanians, Hungarians and their wages, in transition, in Romania. Economic Modelling, 29 (6), 2673-2685.
Daunfeldt, Sven-Olov, Niklas Elert, and Åsa Lang. "Does Gibrat's law hold for retailing? Evidence from Sweden." Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services 19.5 (2012): 464-469.
Eliasson, K. , Hansson, P. & Lindvert, M. (2012). Do firms learn by exporting or learn to export?: Evidence from small and medium-sized enterprises. Small Business Economics, 39 (2), 453-472.
Eliasson, K. , Hansson, P. & Lindvert, M. (2012). Jobs and exposure to international trade within the service sector in Sweden. The World Economy, 35 (5), 578-608.
Hultkrantz, L. & Liu, X. (2012). Green cars sterilize congestion charges: a model analysis of the reduced impact of Stockholm road tolls. Transport Policy, 21, 110-118.
Hultkrantz, L. , Nilsson, J. & Arvidsson, S. (2012). Voluntary internalization of speeding externalities with vehicle insurance. Transportation Research Part A, 46 (6), 926-937.
Hultkrantz, L. & Svensson, M. (2012). The value of a statistical life in Sweden: a review of the empirical literature. Health Policy, 108 (2-3), 302-310.
Krüger, N. A., (2012), Estimating Traffic Demand Risk – A Multiscale Analysis, Transportation Research Part A, 46 (10), 1741–1751.
Krüger, N. A., (2012), To Kill a Real Option – PPP, Incomplete Contracts and Real Options, Transportation Research Part A, 46 (8), 1359–1371.
Svensson, M., Krüger, N. A., (2012), Mortality and Economic Fluctuations: Evidence from Wavelet Analysis for Sweden 1800-2000, Journal of Population Economics, 25 (4), 1215–1235.
Lunander, A. & Lundberg, S. (2012). Combinatorial Auctions in Public Procurement - Experiences from Sweden. Journal of Public Procurement, 12 (1), 81-109.
Lunander, A. & Lundberg, S. (2012). Different design - different cost: an empirical analysis of combinatorial public procurement bidding of road maintenance. Journal of Public Procurement, 12 (3), 407-422.
Olesen Jes, Gustavsson Anders, Svensson Mikael, Wittchen H-U and Jönsson Bengt, (2012), “The economic cost of brain disorders in Europe”, European Journal of Neurology, 19: 155-162.
Bandick, R. & Karpaty, P. (2011). Employment effects of foreign acquisition. International Review of Economics and Finance, 20 (2), 211-224.
Gustavsson Anders, Svensson Mikael, Jacobi Frank, Allgulander Christer, Alosno Jordi, Beghi Ettore et al., (2011), "Cost of disorders of the brain in Europe 2010", European Neuropsychopharmacology, 21: 718-779.
Karpaty, P. & Kneller, R. (2011). Demonstration or congestion?: Export spillovers in Sweden. Review of World Economics, 147 (1), 109-130.
Hultkrantz, L. & Lindberg, G. (2011). Pay-as-you-speed: an economic field experiment. Journal of Transport Economics and Policy, 45 (3), 415-436.
Sjöholm, Fredrik FDI and Growth in East Asia: Lessons for Indonesia (2011), (with Robert E. Lipsey), Bulletin of Indonesian Economic Studies, Vol. 47(1), pp. 35-63.
Tingvall, P. & Karpaty, P. (2011). Service-sector competition, innovation and R&D. Economics of Innovation and New Technology, 20 (1), 63-88.
Wittchen H.U., Jacobi F., Rehm J., Gustavsson A., Svensson Mikael and Jönsson B. et al., (2011), "The size and burden of mental disorders and other disorders of the brain in Europe 2010", European Neuropsychopharmacology, 21: 655-679.
Krüger, N. A., Svensson, M., (2010), Good Times are Drinking Times: Empirical Evidence on Business Cycles and Alcohol Sales in Sweden 1861-2000, Applied Economics Letters, 17 (6), 543–546.
Lindberg, G. , Hultkrantz, L. , Nilsson, J. & Thomas, F. (2010). Payer selon sa vitesse: Deux expériences de terrain destinées à limiter le risque de sélection adverse et le risque moral dans le secteur de l'assurance automobile. Les Cahiers Scientifiques du Transport (57), 117-139.
Sjöholm, Fredrik Will Science and Technology Solve China’s Unemployment Problem? (2010), (with Nannan Lundin), Asian Economic Papers, Vol. 9 (2), pp. 1-28.
Sjöholm, Fredrik Cross Border Acquisitions, Multinationals and Wage Elasticities (2010), (with Katariina Hakkala and Fredrik Heyman), Review of World Economics, Vol. 146, pp. 263-280.
Sjöholm, Fredrik The role of Small Firms in the Technology Development of China (2010), (with Nannan Lundin), The World Economy, Vol. 33 (9), pp.1117-1139.
Svensson Mikael and Vredin-Johansson Maria, (2010), “Willingness to Pay for Private and Public Safety: Why the Difference?”, Accident Analysis & Prevention, 42: 1205-1212.
Svensson Mikael, (2010), “Alcohol Use and Social Interactions among Adolescents: Do peer effects exist within and/or between the majority population and immigrants?”, Social Science & Medicine, 70: 1858-1864.
Svensson Mikael, (2010), “Economic Upturns are Good for Your Heart but Watch out for Accidents”, Applied Economics, 42(5): 615-625.
Eliasson, J. , Hultkrantz, L. , Nerhagen, L. & Smidfelt Rosqvist, L. (2009). The Stockholm congestion - charging trial 2006: Overview of effects. Transportation Research Part A, 43 (3), 240-250.
Kinnman, S. & Lodefalk, M. (2009). A global Baltic: potential gains from trade liberalisation in the Baltic sea states. Baltic Journal of Economics, 9 (1), 55-79.
Krüger Niclas and Svensson Mikael, (2009), “The Impact of Real Options on Willingness to Pay for Mortality Risk Reductions”, Journal of Health Economics, 28: 563-569.
Sjöholm, Fredrik Foreign Firms and Chinese Employment (2009), (with Sune Karlssson, Nannan Lundin and He Ping), The World Economy, Vol. 32(1), pp. 178-201.
Sjöholm, Fredrik Population Growth and Job Creation in Timor-Leste (2009), (with Mats Lundahl), Journal of the Asia Pacific Economy, Vol. 14(1), pp. 90-104.
Svensson Mikael, (2009), “Precautionary Behavior and Willingness to Pay for a Mortality Risk Reduction: Searching for the Expected Relationship”, Journal of Risk and Uncertainty, 39: 65-85.
Svensson Mikael, (2009), “The Value of a Statistical Life in Sweden: Estimates from Two Studies using the ‘Certainty Approach’ Calibration”, Accident Analysis & Prevention, 41: 430-437.
Andersson Henrik and Svensson Mikael, (2008), “Cognitive Ability and Scale Bias in the Contingent Valuation Method: An Analysis of Willingness to Pay to Reduce Mortality Risks”, Environmental and Resource Economics, 39: 481-495.
Andersson, L. (2008). Fiscal flows and financial markets: to what extent do they provide risk sharing within Sweden?. Regional studies, 42 (7), 1003-1011.
Eliasson, J. , Hultkrantz, L. & Smidfelt Rosqvist, L. (2009). Introduction: Editorial. Transportation Research Part A, 43 (3), 237-239.
Jonas Eliasson, Lars Hultkrantz (corr auth), Lena Nerhagen, and Lena Smidfelt Rosqvist, 2009, ’The Stockholm Congestion-Charging Trial 2006: Overview of Effects, Transportation Research A, Science Direct, Oct.
Sjöholm, Fredrik, Poverty in Rural Cambodia: The Differentiated Impact of Linkages, Inputs and Access to Land (2008), (with Anders Engvall and Örjan Sjöberg), Asian Economic Papers, Vol. 7(2), pp. 74-95.
Lihong Yun, 2008, ‘Technical Progress and Labour Demand in Swedish Manufacturing Firms’, Journal of Industrial Competition and Trade 8:147-167.
Nilsson, J. , Hultkrantz, L. & Karlström, U. (2008). The Arlanda Airport rail link: lessons learned from a Swedish construction project. Review of Network Economics, 7 (1), 77-94.
Abdulnasser Hatemi-J and Manuchehr Irandoust, ‘The Fisher effect: a Kalman filter approach to detecting structural change’. Applied Economics Letters, Oct 2007.
Abdulnasser Hatemi-J and Manuchehr Irandoust, “Controlling Money Supply and Price Level in a Cointegration Model with Unknown Regime Shifts” (2007) Empirical Economic Letters.
Andersson, L., Lundberg, J. and Sjöström, M. (2007). Regional Effects of Military Base Closures: The Case of Sweden. Defence and Peace Economics 18 (1): 87-97.
Patrik Karpaty, Productivity Effects of Foreign Acquisitions in Swedish Manufacturing: The FDI Productivity Issue Revisited. International Journal of Economic Business 14(2):241-60, 2007.
Patrik Karpaty (2006) Does Multinationality Matter? Evidence from Swedish Firm Data, Applied Economics Quarterly, /52 (2):101-122
Kinnman, S. & Lodefalk, M. (2007). What is at Stake in the Doha Round?. The World Economy, 30 (8), 1305-1325.
Gustavsson Tingvall Patrik and Poldahl, A, 2007, Is There Really an Inverted U-shape Relation between Competition and R&D. Economics of Innovation and New Technology 15 (2):101-118.
Mikael Svensson, Do not go breaking your heart: Do economic upturns really increase heart attack mortality? Social Science & Medicine 65(4): 833-841, 2007.
Mikael Svensson, "Cognitive Ability and Scale Bias in the Contingent Valuation Method: An Analysis of Willingness to Pay to Reduce Mortality risks", Environmental and Resource Economics, 2007, (with Henrik Andersson).
Mikael Svensson, "In Economic Upturns your Heart is Fine but Watch Out for Accident: a study on Swedish regional data 1976-2005", Applied Economics, 2007.
Yun, L (2007) Technical Progress and Labour Demand in Swedish Manufacturing Firms. Journal of Industrial Competition and Trade.
Armelius, H. & Hultkrantz, L. (2006), ’The politico-economic link between public transport and road pricing: An ex-ante study of the Stockholm road-pricing trial’. Transport Policy (2006) 13:162-172.Hultkrantz, L. , Lindberg, G. & Andersson, C. (2006). The value of improved road safety. Journal of Risk and Uncertainty, 32 (2), 151-170.
Bohlin, L & Widell, L, [2006], "Estimation of Commodity-by-Commodity IO-Matrices", Economic Systems Research, Vol. 18, No. 2, pp. 205-215.
Ekblad, K., Irandoust, M, & Parmler, J. (2006) “Bilateral Trade Flows and Exchange Rate Sensitivity: Evidence Using Likelihood-Based Panel Cointegration” (2006) ECONOMIC SYSTEMS 30 (2): 170-183.
Hatemi-J, A. & Irandoust, M. (2006) “The Response of Industry Employment to Exchange Rate Shocks: Evidence from Panel Cointegration” (2006) APPLIED ECONOMICS 38 (4): 415-421.
Hatemi-J, A. & Irandoust, M. (2006) “A Bootstrapped- Corrected Causality Test: Another Look at the Money-Income Relationship” EMPIRICAL ECONOMICS31 (1): 207-216.
Hatemi-J, A. & Irandoust, M. (2006) “The Fisher Effect: A Kalman Filter Approach to Detecting Structural Change” APPLIED ECONOMICS LETTERS.
Hultkrantz, L ‘Voluntary road pricing’, in Aronsson, T., Axelsson, R. and Brännlund, R., The Theory and Practice of Environmental and Resource Economics. Essays in Honour of Karl-Gustaf Löfgren. Cheltenham, UK: Edward Elgar, 2006.
Hultkrantz, L., Lindberg, G. & Andersson, C. (2006) ‘The value of road safety’ (with). Journal of Risk and Uncertainty 32:151-170.
Lunander, A. & Nilsson, J.-E., 2006, Combinatorial Procurement Auctions: A Collusion Remedy? Revista Di Politica Economica, 1-2:65-90.
Pingfang Zhu, Weimin Xu and Nannan Lundin, 2006, The impact of government's fundings and tax incentives on industrial R&D investments--Empirical evidences from industrial sectors in Shanghai China Economic Review 17: 51-69.
Persson, H. (2006) “A fixed point theorem for monotone functions”, Applied Mathematics Letters19:1207-1209
Yun, L. (2006) Determinants of Export Intensity and FDI Presence: The case of Manufacturing Industries of Guangdong, the People’s Republic of China. International Journal of Logistics Systems and Management, Vol. 2, No.3, p230-254.
Armelius, H. (2005) An Integrated Approach to Urban Road Pricing, Journal of Transport Economics and Policy 39(1):75-92.
Irandoust, M. (2005) Foreign Aid, Domestic Savings, and Growth in LDCs: An Application of Likelihood-Based Panel Cointegration, Economic Modelling 22(4): 616-627. (with J. Ericsson).
Irandoust, M. (2005) Foreign Aid and Economic Growth: New Evidence from Panel Cointegration, Journal of Economic Development 30(1): 71-80. (with A. Hatemi-J).
Irandoust, M. (2005) Pricing Strategy, Markup Adjustment, and Foreign Competition in the Car Industry, International Journal of automotive Technology and Management, 5(3): 305-319. (with A. Hatemi-J), Invited Paper.
Irandoust, M. (2005) Energy Consumption and Economic Growth in Sweden: A Leveraged Bootstrap Approach, International Journal of Applied Econometrics and Quantitative Studies.December. (with A. Hatemi-J).
Irandoust, M. (2005) Bilateral Trade Elasticities: Sweden Versus Her Major Trading Partners, American Review of Political Economy. September. (with A. Hatemi-J).
Irandoust, M. (2005) The Response of Industry Employment to Exchange Rate Shocks: Evidence from Panel Cointegration”, Applied Economics 38 (4): 415-421. (with A. Hatemi-J).
Hansson, P. (2005) Skill Upgrading and Production Transfer within Swedish Multinationals Scandinavian Journal of Economics 107(4):673-92.
Lodefalk, M. & Storey, M. (2005). Climate measures and WTO rules on subsidies. Journal of World Trade, 39 (1), 23-44.
Hansson, P. and Lundin, N. (2004) Exports as an Indicator on or Promoter of Successful Swedish Manufacturing Firms in the 1990s, Review of World Economics (former Weltwirtschaftliches Archiv), 140(3), pp. 415-445.
Hultkrantz, L. and Li, C. (2004) “A Stochastic Threshold Model for Estimating the Value of Travel Time” in Traffic and Transportation Studies. Baoua Mao, Zongzhong Tian and Quanzin Sun (eds.). Science Press 2004. Pp 363-373.
Irandoust, M. (2004) Are Imports and Exports Cointegrated? An International Comparison. Metroeconomica55 (1) 49-64. (with J. Ericsson).
Irandoust, M. (2004) The Productivity-Bias Hypothesis and the PPP Theorem: New Evidence from Panel Vector Autoregressive Models. Japan and the World Economy16: 121-138. (with J. Ericsson)
Irandoust, M. (2004) Is Pricing to Market Behavior a Long-Run Phenomenon? A Non-Stationary Panel Analysis Empirica31: 55-67. (with A. Hatemi-J).
Lindberg, G (2004) Recent progress in the measurement of external costs and implications for transport pricing reforms, European Journal of Transport and Infrastructure Research, Vol 3, No 4.
Lunander, A.(2004) Taking the Lab to the Field: Experimental Tests of Alternative Mechanisms to Procure Multiple Contracts (with Jan-Eric Nilsson). Journal of Regulatory Economics, 25 (1), 39-58
Lundin, N. (2004) Has import disciplined Swedish manufacturing firms in the 1990s? Journal of Industry, Competition and Trade. Vol. 4, Issue 2, pp 109-133. 2004
Jesper Antelius and Lars Lundberg Competition, Market Structure and Job Turnover. Journal of Industry, Competition and Trade, 3:3, 211-226.
Eklöf, M. & Lunander, A. (2003). Open Outcry Auctions with Secret Reserve Prices: An Empirical Application to Executive Auctions of Tenant Owner's Apartments in Sweden. Journal of Econometrics, 114 (2), 243-260.
Clas Eriksson and Joakim Persson Economic Growth, Inequality, and the Environment. Environmental and Resource Economics 25, pp. 1-16.
Lars Hultkrantz Telecommunications liberalisation in Sweden: Is “intermediate” regulation viable? Swedish Economic Policy Review, 9(2):133-162.
Lodefalk, M. & Whalley, J. (2002). Reviewing proposals for a world environmental organisation. The World Economy, 25 (5), 601-617.
Lunander, A. (2002). Procurement Bidding in First-Price and Second Price, Sealed-Bid Auctions within the Common-Value Paradigm. Computational Economics, 19 (2), 227-244.