Handelshögskolan vid Örebro universitet

Details and registration

Fee and registration

The conference fee is SEK 3,500 excl. VAT. One lunch and a conference dinner are included in the fee, but accommodation is not. The number of participants is limited and registration should be made online (use this link)  no later than July 1, 2018.

Hotel information

Hotel rooms have been pre-reserved at First Hotel Örebro, in town. Each participant must reserve hotel room by themselves. You find the reservation deadline in the hotel information. After the reservation deadline you can still make a reservation if there are rooms available. Örebro hosts many conferences so it is important to make the room reservation early.

To make a reservation please contact the hotel and give the hotel the booking reference when you make your reservation.  All prices include breakfast and VAT 12%.

First Hotel Örebro AB
Storgatan 24, S-703 61 ÖREBRO

Örebro Phone: +46 19 611 73 00

E-mail: boka@hotellorebro.se

Website: www.firsthotels.se/hotell/sverige/orebro/

Single room: 946 SEK/night Rooms reserved until August 1, 2018
Booking reference: SOMMARSKOLA  
For reservations via the web site please use the booking reference: SOMMARSKOLA

Reservations have to be secured with a credit card number and expiry date.