Ungefär 764 resultat (0,03 sekunder)
Ramschema för VFU Bas T5
23-12-06 / adg Ramschema för VFU Bas på sjukhus T5 (VT 2024) Som tidigare ska studenten träna anamnes och status men nu även öva på att rapportera enligt SBAR samt dokumentera genom att diktera en ... -
PowerPoint prezentacija
ELEMENTAL ANALYSIS OF MANGO FLESH AND PEEL BY INDUCTIVELY COUPLED PLASMA MASS SPECTROMETRY Michaela Zeiner1, Ema Mihalić2, Iva Juranović Cindrić2, Ivan Nemet2, Heidelore Fiedler1 1 Örebro Universit... -
A Border in the Sea? The Effect of Major Infrastructure Development...
A Border in the Sea? The Effect of Major Infrastructure Development on Bilateral Goods Trade Maria Persson∗ Christian Soegaard† Anna Welander Tärneberg‡ 11th October 2019 Preliminary version – ple... -
NNRME conference 2023 March 28.–30., University of Örebro PROPOSAL FOR A SYMPOSIUM: Children as playful changemakers Participants Ingeborg Lunde (corresponding author) Alexandra Kertz-Welzel Eirik ... -
Anmälan och beslut om licentiatseminarium
1(3) Rev. 2016-11-14 Anmälan och beslut om licentiatseminarium (Proposal for and decision on public defence of licentiate thesis) Licentiand (Licentiate student) Namn (Name) Personnummer (Date of b... -
Kursguide Del I - Övergripande information
Senast uppdaterad 2024-08-20 Liza Ljungberg 1 Kursguide Del I, Övergripande information Läkarprogrammet, T8 Medicin, Medicinsk temakurs 8, 30 högskolepoäng (MC508A) Mappen Kursguide består av flera... -
Full Terms & Conditions of access and use can be found at https://www.tandfonline.com/action/journalInformation?journalCode=rjec20 Journal of Economic Methodology ISSN: (Print) (Online) Journal hom... -
IDA-rapport nr. 74
FRAN Cornelia Wulff Nummer 74 Oktober 2001 ANSES anpassning SOM IDA I Psykologiska institutionen STOCKHOLMS UNIVERSITET 106 91 STOCKHOLM Viera Dornic, Copy Editor TEL +46 8 16 3962 FAX +46 8 15 934... -
1 Årsberättelse Statskunskap 2018 2 År 2018 – ämnesansvarigas introduktion 2018 has been an eventful year in the Political Science Department at Örebro University. We welcome several new (and retur... -
Programme Örebro University, School of Business and Kommuninvest workshop Interest rates after the financial crisis Tuesday 3rd of October – Wednesday 4th of October, 2017, Örebro, Sweden Tuesday O... -
IDA-rapport nr. 76
Reports from the project Individual Development and Adaptation A HOLISTIC PERSON APPROACH FOR RESEARCH ON POSITIVE DEVELOPMENT David Magnusson Joseph L. Mahoney Number 76 November 2001 • IDA I Depa... -
“Nothing Left to Lose”: Risk Attitudes Among Vulnerable Households by Arianna Galliera* and E. Elisabet Rutström** November 24, 2018 Abstract In this paper we investigate how experiences with pover... -
Course syllabus. Third-cycle courses and study programmes
1 (5) Research communication in chemicals, health and environment Forskningskommunikation inom kemikalier, hälsa och miljö Course Code/Codes 50KE003 Subject Area Chemistry School/equivalent NT Vali... -
Bedömning för alla? En SMART forskningsöversikt över specialpedagogiska behov och kunskapsbedömning Anna Öhman Rapporter i pedagogik 26 Rapporter i pedagogik 26 Anna Öhman Bedömning för alla? En SM... -
IDA-rapport nr. 93
Reports from the project Individual Development and Adaptation THE SCHOOL-AGE DATA COLLECTIONS WITHIN THE RESEARCH PROGRAM INDIVIDUAL DEVELOPMENT AND ADAPTATION (IDA) Technical report Peter Zetterg...