
Ungefär 754 resultat (0,04 sekunder)

  • arsberattelse-2021.pdf

    1 Årsberättelse 2021 för forskningen i ämnet pedagogik, Örebro universitet sammanställd av Kicki Ekberg och Ann Quennerstedt 2 Verksamhetsberättelser från ämnets forskningsmiljöer och -grupper Ämne...
    https://www.oru.se/contentassets/a6dff03513a149b8990e5a1a0bcf270b/arsberattelse-2021.pdf - 493kB
  • outsourcing-it_impink_9-2-22.pdf

    Outsourcing IT and Technological Differentiation: Evidence from Digital Startups Stephen Michael Impink New York University, Stern School of Business August 31, 2022 Abstract: Does outsourcing IT i...
    https://www.oru.se/globalassets/oru-sv/institutioner/hh/seminarieserien-nek/outsourcing-it_impink_9-2-22.pdf - 1MB
  • abstract-book-inflammation-in-focus.pdf

    29 th of September 2022 at Örebro university X-HiDE presents Inflammation in focus Abstract collection Exposure to environmental contaminants associated with alteration of metabolite profiles in im...
    https://www.oru.se/contentassets/9d0662b4e5f245089acfe9cab7b803a5/abstract-book-inflammation-in-focus.pdf - 2MB
  • Medieforskningens klassiker_Kursplan för utbildning på forskarnivå

    1 (6) Medieforskningens klassiker, 7,5 högskolepoäng Classics of Media Research, 7.5 credits Kurskod 15MK068 Forskarutbildningsämne Medie- och kommunikationsvetenskap Institution/motsvarande Instit...
    https://www.oru.se/contentassets/cded0e1c581b465a91e7594509c81b4b/medieforskningens-klassiker--kursplan-pa-forskarniva-15mk068_191029.pdf - 703kB
  • Medieforskningens klassiker_Kursplan för utbildning på forskarnivå

    1 (6) Medieforskningens klassiker, 7,5 högskolepoäng Classics of Media Research, 7.5 credits Kurskod 15MK068 Forskarutbildningsämne Medie- och kommunikationsvetenskap Institution/motsvarande Instit...
    https://www.oru.se/contentassets/221a0ff6a2d24a9697e14464d89126ae/medieforskningens-klassiker--kursplan-pa-forskarniva-15mk068_191029.pdf - 703kB
  • Kursguide del 2 nedbrutna mål NME vt24

    2024-01-11/mejs Kursguide del II, Kursens mål och nedbrutna mål, Tema NME Läkarprogrammet, T2 Medicin, Organ, cell och molekyl II, 30 högskolepoäng Mappen Kursguide består av flera dokument. Mappen...
    https://www.oru.se/globalassets/oru-sv/institutioner/mv/vfu/vfu-handledare/termin-2/kursguide/kursguide-del-ii---nedbrutna-mal-nme-vt24.pdf - 311kB
  • IDA-rapport nr. 82

    the Kerstin Isaksson Gunn Siv Magnus Sverke Number 82 November 2002 and A event IDA I Department of Psychology STOCKHOLM UNIVERSITY 106 91 STOCKHOLM, SWEDEN ISSN 165la0542 Viera Dornic, Copy Editor...
    https://www.oru.se/contentassets/16b7494fdcc847df8bf175c0dd2d4ef7/ida-report-no-82.pdf - 2MB
  • essay-2.pdf

    1 Capital taxation of owners of closely held corporations in Sweden, 1991to 2018 18 November 2019 Niklas Wykmana, b a Örebro University School of Business SE – 701 82 Örebro Sweden bResearch Insti...
    https://www.oru.se/globalassets/oru-sv/institutioner/hh/seminarieserien-nek/essay-2.pdf - 1MB
  • IDA-rapport nr. 90

    Reports from the project Individual Development and Adaptation ABILITY AND SATISFACTION WITH SCHOOL AND JOB A longitudinal study Cornelia Wulff Number90 May 2007 IDA I Department of Psychology STOC...
    https://www.oru.se/contentassets/16b7494fdcc847df8bf175c0dd2d4ef7/ida-report-no-90.pdf - 5MB

    Örebro Studies in business administration MIRANDA KANON CROSS-SECTORAL ORGANIZING Grand challenges in public management 2 TABLE OF CONTENTS PREFACE LIST OF PAPERS CHAPTER ONE: INTRODUCTION Cross-se...
    https://www.oru.se/contentassets/fc48d441b5404424ad918c14531bef3c/thesisframe_kanonm.pdf - 526kB
  • The networked bureaucracy: reinventing formalization in the context...

    Full Terms & Conditions of access and use can be found at https://www.tandfonline.com/action/journalInformation?journalCode=rpxm20 Public Management Review ISSN: (Print) (Online) Journal homepage: ...
    https://www.oru.se/contentassets/fc48d441b5404424ad918c14531bef3c/paper-ii_kanonm.pdf - 799kB
  • Next exit: Net-zero? Transition acceleration challenges in hard-to-...

    Örebro Studies in Business Dissertations X Sophie-Marie Ertelt Next exit: Net-zero? Transition acceleration challenges in hard-to- abate industry sectors The case of heavy-duty freight transport 2 ...
    https://www.oru.se/contentassets/d11fb78d14324a00b6fe37e19fe26ccf/final-seminar-ertelt-s.-m..pdf - 4MB
  • Developing teaching and learning

    1 Developing Teaching and Learning Qualifying course in higher education pedagogy, 3 weeks (Högskolepedagogisk fördjupning) 1 GENERAL INFORMATION Örebro University’s courses in academic development...
    https://www.oru.se/contentassets/4a99d439dc794f75a97e69e3f1983365/oru-2024_00902-1-kursplan-hpf_eng-959064_2_1.pdf - 117kB
  • langowski-jmp.pdf

    Do bank reserves affect interest rates when reserves are abundant?∗ Friederike Langowski† Job Market Paper November 25, 2023 [Click here for the latest version] Abstract An important concern for ce...
    https://www.oru.se/contentassets/c58950f48c1e4e97b7f1e7c098f7862b/langowski-jmp.pdf - 1MB
  • IDA-rapport nr. 79

    SELF -PERCEIVED 2. Time trends in frequencies of adjustment problems between 1970 and 1996 Ma:rgit Wangby David Magnusson Hakan Stattin Number 79 Ma:rch 2002 IDA I Department of Psychology STOCKHOL...
    https://www.oru.se/contentassets/16b7494fdcc847df8bf175c0dd2d4ef7/ida-report-no-79.pdf - 3MB