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Microdata Evidence on the Empirical Importance of Selection Effects in Menu-Cost Models∗ Mikael Carlsson† September 12, 2016 Abstract We use microdata on product prices linked to information on the... -
Anmälan om 60%-seminarium Sidnr: 1 (2) Anmälan om 60%-seminarium i Funktionsnedsättning och samhälle Doktorand Namn Personnummer E-postadress Forskarutbildningsämne Funktionsnedsättning och samhäll... -
Research Paper Efficacy of a transdiagnostic emotion–focused exposure treatment for chronic pain patients with comorbid anxiety and depression: a randomized controlled trial Katja Boersmaa,*, Marti... -
Nobel Day Festivities Book of Abstracts 2022
Örebro University’s NOBEL DAY FESTIVITIES BOOK OF ABSTRACTS 8 December 2022 Örebro University, School of Health Sciences and School of Medical Sciences, Örebro Sweden Title: Örebro University’s Nob... -
Does regional context matter for family firm employment growth?
Contents lists available at ScienceDirect Journal of Family Business Strategy journal homepage: www.elsevier.com/locate/jfbs Does regional context matter for family firm employment growth?☆ Johan K... -
Compulsory literature sorted by subject area, Spring 2022 What is theory (not)? Sutton, R.I., & Staw, B. M. (1995). What theory is not. Administrative Science Quarterly, 40, 371-384. Weick, K. E. (... -
Riksidrottsförbundet Adress: Idrottens Hus, Box 11016, 100 61 Stockholm Tel växel: 08-699 60 00 | Fax: 08-699 62 00 e-post: riksidrottsforbundet@rf.se | www.rf.se Sid 1/3 International Specialised ... -
1 Ombudsmän mot diskriminering. Gränsdragning, reglering och homogenisering av myndigheter mot social orättvisa Agneta Hugemark & Christine Roman 2 Innehåll 1. Inledning 3 Bakgrund 3 Teoretiskt ras... -
2020-04-06 1 The societal impact of political science research at Örebro University – three case studies Introduction As part of developing a new model for evaluating the quality and impact of rese... -
Book of abstracts
FOOD & COMUNICATION: Communicating ’good’ foods 2 Every two years, the Conference on Food and Communication brings together scholars that work on the intersection of food and communication. The thi... -
Nordic Network in School Musical theatre research (NNSF 2019-) Background Collaboration began as early as 1996 at high school level between Östra Gymnasiet (Umeå, Sweden) and Vasa övningskola (Vasa... -
International Review of Entrepreneurship, Article #0000, 18(1): pp. 00-00. © 2020, Senate Hall Academic Publishing. GALLEY PROOF High-growth Firms and the Labor Market Entry of First-generation Imm... -
Sander Scholtus 22 August 2023 The integration of educational attainment data from administrative and survey data (part 1) 2 • Educational Attainment File • Different estimators • Variance estimati... -
1 Newsletter nr 2, 31/1 2018. Installation of unique fractionation instrument in the EnForce lab. Dear EnForce partners! The recruitment of personnel is now almost complete. We have recruited skill... -
Att bedöma och hantera risk för våld i nära relation i gles- och landsbygd Nyttiggörande av forskningsresultat från RISKSAM-projektet i dialog med socialtjänst och polis TEXTER OM VÅLD I Rapport Ce...