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1 City Size, Employer Concentration, and Wage Income Inequality Daniel Halvarsson, Ratio Institute (daniel.halvarsson@ratio.se) & Martin Korpi, Ratio Institute & EHFF, Stockholm School of Economics... -
Slide 1
Tapping as a vibrational stimulus to investigate behavioral alterations in zebrafish embryos Norina Pagano1,2, M. Blanc2, G. Nilén², H. Hollert1, S.H. Keiter2 1Institute for Environmental Research ... -
Flipped classroom – a tool to improve the learning outcome in Agroecology? Experience from using Scalable Learning the first year Alf Ekblad Ulf Hanell What the hell is flipped classroom? Flipping ... -
the WOMEN'S ......... ..o.:J.k:AA...I A LIFE-SPAN Technical Kerstin Isaksson Gunn . Johansson Siv Lindroth Magnus Sverke Number 71 November 2000 and EDUCATION IN coding of work biographies IDA I De... -
PowerPoint Presentation
Determination of per- and polyfluorinated substances (PFAS) in landfill leachate using solid-phase extraction with three different sorbent materials Sofia Francois, Leo W. Y. Yeung, , Anna Kärrman ... -
Bryggan – En processutvärdering av en social investering med fokus ...
RAPPORT BRYGGAN - En processutvärdering av en social investering med fokus på elever med destruktivt normbrytande beteende och problematisk skolfrånvaro Björn Johansson & Erik Flygare Working Paper... -
Tvärvetenskaplig seminarieserie, 2,5 hp - Kursplan för utbildning p...
Seminars on Interdisciplinary, 2,5 higher education credits Tvärvetenskapliga seminarier, 2,5 högskolepoäng Course Code: 70SE025 Valid from.: Spring 2011 Level of study: Third level Etablised: 2011... -
Ton de Waal Summer school 2023 Combining probability and nonprobability samples on an aggregated Level • Based on work by former master student Sofia Villalobos- Aliste (and my colleague Sander Sch... -
Microsoft Word - universities160122
Universities as engines for regional growth? Using the synthetic control method to analyze the effects of research universities Carl Bonander1, Niklas Jakobsson1,2, *, Federico Podestà3, and Mikael... -
Riksidrottsförbundet Adress: Idrottens Hus, Box 11016, 100 61 Stockholm Tel växel: 08-699 60 00 | Fax: 08-699 62 00 e-post: riksidrottsforbundet@rf.se | www.rf.se Sid 1/3 International Specialised ... -
Compulsory literature sorted by subject area, Spring 2022 What is theory (not)? Sutton, R.I., & Staw, B. M. (1995). What theory is not. Administrative Science Quarterly, 40, 371-384. Weick, K. E. (... -
Samordning av arbetsmarknadsinsatser Örebro kommun
Samordning av arbetsmarknadsinsatser En utvärdering av samverkansuppdrag mellan Förvaltningen för funktionshinder och Vuxen- och arbetsmarknadsförvaltningen i Örebro kommun - ! -1 Innehåll Innehå... -
1 Report EnForce 2018 26/4 2019 EnForce has now been in action more than two years. The four projects are all active, and the microplastics project has been strengthened with Anna Rotander, who now... -
Microdata Evidence on the Empirical Importance of Selection Effects in Menu-Cost Models∗ Mikael Carlsson† September 12, 2016 Abstract We use microdata on product prices linked to information on the... -
Microsoft Word - SET_20160601
The Composition of Local Government Expenditure and Growth: Empirical Evidence from Sweden* by Linda Andersson† and Emelie Värja‡ This draft: June 1, 2016 Abstract The purpose of this paper is to a...