
Ungefär 752 resultat (0,02 sekunder)

  • 2---lmm_sweden.pdf

    Latent Mixed Markov Models for the Production of Population Census Data on Employment D.Filipponi, R.Varriale Statistics Sweden and Örebro University Summer School August 22 2023 General Context M...
    https://www.oru.se/contentassets/afc79dc6c07c496d9664e83cb015c48b/2---lmm_sweden.pdf - 561kB
  • IDA-rapport nr. 49

    https://www.oru.se/contentassets/16b7494fdcc847df8bf175c0dd2d4ef7/ida-report-no-49.pdf - 2MB
  • mw_jobs_20220308hsw.pdf

    1 Does reduced labor costs increase employment among minimum wage workers? Evidence from a Swedish payroll tax cut Sven-Olov Daunfeldt, Anton Gidehag and Hans Seerar Westerberg We use a youth payro...
    https://www.oru.se/contentassets/a9aaaf7b94e7438e9a42cc475ee3d7e2/mw_jobs_20220308hsw.pdf - 724kB
  • Englund Bohm; How to become a Music Teacher - different educational...

    Abstract The current state of knowledge indicates that music teachers do not always receive the support they need to conduct their teaching according to the curriculum (Nielsen & Karlsen, 2021). St...
    https://www.oru.se/globalassets/oru-sv/institutioner/mh/dokument/nnrme-2023-abstract/anna-englund-bohm-how-to-become-a-music-teacher---different-educational-pathways-for-developing-professional-expertise-in-sweden.pdf - 86kB
  • Typfall 13 Adrila 49 år Hjärtsvikt och arytmi handledarversion T7

    Handledarversion Adila, 49 år: hjärtsvikt och arytmi Termin: T7 Tema: RC Lärandemål: Identifiera och utreda typiska symtom vid hjärt- och kärlsjukdomar (S4). Vanliga sjukdomstillstånd: hjärtsvikt m...
    https://www.oru.se/globalassets/oru-sv/institutioner/mv/vfu/vfu-handledare/termin-7/typfall-handledarinstruktioner-tema-respiration-cirkulation/typfall-13-adila-49-ar-hjartsvikt-och-arytmi-handledarversion-t7.pdf - 313kB
  • Swetox Swedish Toxicology Sciences Research Center

    1 SWETOX Local and systemic effects of inhaled particles and the role of size and composition Ernesto Alfaro-Moreno, PhD Swedish Toxicology Sciences Research Center 2 View of Mexico City in the lat...
    https://www.oru.se/contentassets/4a75765cdd00472dbd6d70ebbd6923e9/orebro2018.pdf - 8MB
  • essay-1.pdf

    1 Improvements in calculating the marginal effective tax rate on entrepreneurial investments in a dual tax system: The Swedish case* 18 November 2019 Niklas Wykmana, b a Örebro University School of...
    https://www.oru.se/globalassets/oru-sv/institutioner/hh/seminarieserien-nek/essay-1.pdf - 1MB
  • zoom-by-browser---eng.pdf

    Participants using Zoom via browser (If the participant can not download and install the client). The participant clicks on the link. The link opens the default browser Q lounch Meebng • Zoom X + -...
    https://www.oru.se/contentassets/214d836654a9429ba706382106228c23/zoom-by-browser---eng.pdf - 255kB
  • Örebro universitet - Kursplan GE002U

    !"#$ %! &'() % *+ ,*- ./ 0*.12/ #3 4 #3 ./ 5 2" 6 7 8 9/ :/; <. 3"%2 = 4>??@A B = :/;B C = 4 #'27 % #2D E F G = 4HHI = @?@JK?LK@J M C= 4.'#3#"7N O = ,. + D% = @?@JK?LK@J P Q = @?@JK?LK@JR Q S S S= ...
    https://www.oru.se/contentassets/a967fe29c48d46b0ad2dc4a1e9f225f9/orebro-universitet---kursplan-ge002u.pdf - 171kB
  • vu-jmp.pdf

    A fast and accurate variational inference for a large dimensional Markov Switching model * Xuan Vu November 13, 2023 Abstract The multivariate Markov switching model identifies bull and bear market...
    https://www.oru.se/contentassets/c58950f48c1e4e97b7f1e7c098f7862b/vu-jmp.pdf - 5MB
  • owners-managers--for-sem--2016-09-22.pdf

    1 Work in progress. Do not quote. Language check pending. 2016-09-22 OWNERS VS. EXECUTIVES, DECISIONS VS. CONTROL AND THE STAGIRITE Jon Aarum Andersen Abstract: Several scholars have claimed that C...
    https://www.oru.se/contentassets/f4d2256d440a4db5989f735856d6165c/owners-managers--for-sem--2016-09-22.pdf - 139kB
  • Kolegialt Lärande i Örebros skolor - KLÖS-projektet

    Kollegialt Lärande i Örebros Skolor – KLÖS-projektet Hur kan lärares kollegiala lärprocesser stödjas i syfte att skapa hållbara strukturer för utvecklingsarbete? Juni, 2019 Erik Andersson, Agneta H...
    https://www.oru.se/globalassets/oru-sv/strategiska-satsningar/framtidens-lararutbildning/nya-flut-sidor/rapporter---praktiknara-forskning/2019---kollegialt-larande-i-orebros-skolor---klos-projektet.pdf - 782kB
  • Praktiskt forskningsarbete, 7,5 hp, Kursplan för utbildning på fors...

    1 (4) Praktiskt forskningsarbete, 7,5 högskolepoäng Practical Research Work, 7.5 Credits Kurskod 20IK025, 20IK026, 20IK027 Forskarutbildningsämne Informatik Institution/motsvarande Handelshögskolan...
    https://www.oru.se/globalassets/oru-sv/institutioner/hh/kursplaner-forskarutbildning/informatik/praktiskt-forskningsarbete-75-hp-kursplan-for-utbildning-pa-forskarniva-20ik025-20ik026-20ik027.pdf - 47kB
  • untitled

    1950 Assessing ecosystem services in perennial intercropping systems – participatory action research in Swedish modern agroforestry Johanna Björklund1, Karin Eksvärd2 and Christina Schaffer3 1 Scho...
    https://www.oru.se/globalassets/filer-rdb/rdb-projekt/nt/bjorklund-et-al-2014-ifsa.pdf - 258kB
  • enforce-nyhetsbrev-nummer-3.pdf

    1 Newsletter nr 3, 8/10 2018. Dear EnForce partners! The department is now full of skilled researchers from all over the world. Scientific results are being produced and some publications are seein...
    https://www.oru.se/contentassets/7e1147cbf1424b5ab1cae7f3313bbaee/enforce-nyhetsbrev-nummer-3.pdf - 754kB