
Ungefär 752 resultat (0,05 sekunder)

  • IDA-rapport nr. 90

    Reports from the project Individual Development and Adaptation ABILITY AND SATISFACTION WITH SCHOOL AND JOB A longitudinal study Cornelia Wulff Number90 May 2007 IDA I Department of Psychology STOC...
    https://www.oru.se/contentassets/16b7494fdcc847df8bf175c0dd2d4ef7/ida-report-no-90.pdf - 5MB
  • Book of abstracts

    FOOD & COMUNICATION: Communicating ’good’ foods 2 Every two years, the Conference on Food and Communication brings together scholars that work on the intersection of food and communication. The thi...
    https://www.oru.se/contentassets/374e0c24b207495a8af8f5470bcb4386/book-of-abstract-23-09-05.pdf - 2MB
  • The networked bureaucracy: reinventing formalization in the context...

    Full Terms & Conditions of access and use can be found at https://www.tandfonline.com/action/journalInformation?journalCode=rpxm20 Public Management Review ISSN: (Print) (Online) Journal homepage: ...
    https://www.oru.se/contentassets/fc48d441b5404424ad918c14531bef3c/paper-ii_kanonm.pdf - 799kB
  • Poster

    Mixture Risk - Development of an effect-based chemical risk assessment strategy for sites contaminated with complex mixtures *Contact email: greta.nilen@oru.se Results Mixture toxicity o Investigat...
    https://www.oru.se/contentassets/7afa1d1a8df7415a9498720de4151d41/setac_rome_2018_nilen_mixture-risk---development-of-an-effect-based-chemical-risk-assessment-strategy-for-sites-contaminated-with-complex-mixtures.pdf - 7MB
  • Next exit: Net-zero? Transition acceleration challenges in hard-to-...

    Örebro Studies in Business Dissertations X Sophie-Marie Ertelt Next exit: Net-zero? Transition acceleration challenges in hard-to- abate industry sectors The case of heavy-duty freight transport 2 ...
    https://www.oru.se/contentassets/d11fb78d14324a00b6fe37e19fe26ccf/final-seminar-ertelt-s.-m..pdf - 4MB
  • widell-paper-3.pdf

    This article was downloaded by:[Göteborg University Library] [Göteborg University Library] On: 4 June 2007 Access Details: [subscription number 768372010] Publisher: Routledge Informa Ltd Registere...
    https://www.oru.se/contentassets/a7c0e96dea0d409cbfe08168157e02db/widell-paper-3.pdf - 122kB
  • Developing teaching and learning

    1 Developing Teaching and Learning Qualifying course in higher education pedagogy, 3 weeks (Högskolepedagogisk fördjupning) 1 GENERAL INFORMATION Örebro University’s courses in academic development...
    https://www.oru.se/contentassets/4a99d439dc794f75a97e69e3f1983365/oru-2024_00902-1-kursplan-hpf_eng-959064_2_1.pdf - 117kB
  • final-seminar-manuscript.pdf

    Understanding Business Network Dynamics Using Agent-based Modelling and Simulation Final seminar manuscript Sara Shahin Moghadam November 2020 Contents 1 INTRODUCTION .................................
    https://www.oru.se/contentassets/8a1400df8c2e43139b6cdba8d424aca8/final-seminar-manuscript.pdf - 6MB
  • Kopia av Röd Svart Företag Arkitektur Konferensprogram

    THE MARGINALIZED URBAN ENVIRONMENT AND SOCIAL WORK Organizer: GLOMISCO 28-29 Augusti Östra Mark | Örebro University The conference is held in a villa at the end of our Campus. It is called Östra Ma...
    https://www.oru.se/contentassets/3e5271a92af6437fbadf7569df66ba6d/konferensprogram-eng..pdf - 3MB
  • Microsoft Word - Daunfeldt & Fergin-Wennberg_180518_FINAL.docx

    1 UNEMPLOYMENT RISK AMONG NEWLY HIRED IMMIGRANTS Sven-Olov Daunfeldt* Elina Fergin - Wennberg** May 18, 2018 Abstract. Unemployment among immigrants is one of the most pressing issues facing Europe...
    https://www.oru.se/globalassets/oru-sv/institutioner/hh/seminarieserien-nek/unemployment-risk-among-newly-hired-inmigrants.pdf - 826kB
  • PowerPoint-presentation

    Möjliga samarbetsländer för biståndsfinansierade program 2024/2025 A Afghanistan Albanien Algeriet Angola Argentina Armenien Azerbajdzjan B Bangladesh Belarus Belize Benin Bhutan Bolivia Bosnien-He...
    https://www.oru.se/globalassets/oru-sv/student/internationella-kontoret/mfs/dokument/mojliga-samarbetslander-for-bistandsfinansierade-program.pdf - 275kB
  • IDA-rapport nr. 86

    Petra Lindfors Number 86 October 2004 survey on women IDA I Department of Psychology STOCKHOLM UNIVERSITY 106 91 STOCKHOLM, SWEDEN ISSN 1651-0542 Viera Dornic, Copy Editor vd@ psychology .su.se TEL...
    https://www.oru.se/contentassets/16b7494fdcc847df8bf175c0dd2d4ef7/ida-report-no-86.pdf - 3MB
  • Microsoft PowerPoint - Poster ANAKON_2023_MZ_WK_MZ

    Wolfgang Kandler1, Michaela Zeiner2, Heidelore Fiedler2, Viktor Sjöberg2, and Rudolf Krska1 Untreat ed 70 (n>1) Correspondence should be addressed to: michaela.zeiner@oru.se, wolfgang.kandler@boku....
    https://www.oru.se/contentassets/6dfcba5d55a94b76bf16e2e31c7f6f1d/poster-anakon_2023_mz_wk_mz.pdf - 751kB
  • iapl-2024-subsessions.pdf

    Submissions for call for papers, Session IV of the Annual Congress of the IAPL, Örebro 2024 Criteria: (i) Approach to the main theme of the Congress and the topic of Session IV; (ii) Innovation and...
    https://www.oru.se/contentassets/e350bbd1fbdd4fbcae177e46627f9ad2/iapl-2024-subsessions.pdf - 96kB
  • Course syllabus. Third-cycle courses and study programmes

    1 (4) Human-Machine Interaction (3 credits) Människor-Maskin Interaktion (3 högskolepoäng) Course Code/Codes 50DT065 Subject Area Computer Science School/equivalent NT Valid from HT2023 Approved 20...
    https://www.oru.se/contentassets/c019c764bfa047bea60067ef9dfa9057/course-plan-hmi4coairob.pdf - 201kB