Ungefär 761 resultat (0,03 sekunder)
Export Credit Guarantees: Direct Effects on the Treated and Spillovers to their Suppliers* Ina C. Jäkel May 3, 2022 Most countries use export credit agencies (ECAs) to mitigate export-related cred... -
Developing teaching and learning
1 Developing Teaching and Learning Qualifying course in higher education pedagogy, 3 weeks (Högskolepedagogisk fördjupning) 1 GENERAL INFORMATION Örebro University’s courses in academic development... -
Ton de Waal Summer school 2023 Combining probability and nonprobability samples on an aggregated Level • Based on work by former master student Sofia Villalobos- Aliste (and my colleague Sander Sch... -
Riktlinjer för forskarutbildning i pedagogik vid Örebro universitet 2 INLEDNING ........................................................................................................................ -
Kopia av Röd Svart Företag Arkitektur Konferensprogram
THE MARGINALIZED URBAN ENVIRONMENT AND SOCIAL WORK Organizer: GLOMISCO 28-29 Augusti Östra Mark | Örebro University The conference is held in a villa at the end of our Campus. It is called Östra Ma... -
Radikalt friluftsliv och grön omställning Argaladeis 1970-tal som miljöpedagogisk inspiration Klas Sandell och Johan Öhman ESERGO ESSAYS #3 2024 Environmental and Sustainability Education Research ... -
Microsoft Word - Daunfeldt & Fergin-Wennberg_180518_FINAL.docx
1 UNEMPLOYMENT RISK AMONG NEWLY HIRED IMMIGRANTS Sven-Olov Daunfeldt* Elina Fergin - Wennberg** May 18, 2018 Abstract. Unemployment among immigrants is one of the most pressing issues facing Europe... -
Controlling and integrating sustainability in small businesses. (How) Is this even possible? Johnstone, L. & Poulsen, M.L. NOTE! This paper is a work in progress with empirics ongoing. We have elab... -
Course syllabus. Third-cycle courses and study programmes
1 (4) Human-Machine Interaction (3 credits) Människor-Maskin Interaktion (3 högskolepoäng) Course Code/Codes 50DT065 Subject Area Computer Science School/equivalent NT Valid from HT2023 Approved 20... -
Anvisning för ansökan om antagning som oavlönad docent
Anvisningar oavlönad docent 2023-11-01 Sidnr: 1 (7) Anvisning för ansökan om antagning som oavlönad docent Den som vill antas som docent vid Fakulteten för medicin och hälsa ska skriftligen ansöka ... -
IDA-rapport nr. 91
Reports from the project Individual Development and Adaptation WOMEN'S POSITIVE ADAPTATION IN CHILDHOOD AND ADULTHOOD A longitudinal study Hakan Andersson Number91 November 2007 IDA I Department of... -
Regional employment effects of MNE offshoring 2019-05-09 WP-ORU
WORKING PAPER 01/2019 Regional employment effects of MNE offshoring Kent Eliasson, Pär Hansson and Markus Lindvert Economics ISSN 1403-0586 -
PowerPoint prezentacija
Elementna analiza sušenog manga spektrometrijom masa uz induktivno spregnutu plazmu Ema Mihalić1, Iva Juranović Cindrić1, Ivan Nemet1, Michaela Zeiner2, Heidelore Fiedler2 1Sveučilište u Zagrebu Pr... -
Anmälan om 60%-seminarium Sidnr: 1 (2) Anmälan om 60%-seminarium i Funktionsnedsättning och samhälle Doktorand Namn Personnummer E-postadress Forskarutbildningsämne Funktionsnedsättning och samhäll... -
1 Numbers vs. Words: Investigating the Impact of Environmental Information Format on Supporting Environmental Policies Abstract: Across four studies, we show that providing information about enviro...