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Tapping as a vibrational stimulus to investigate behavioral alterations in zebrafish embryos Norina Pagano1,2, M. Blanc2, G. Nilén², H. Hollert1, S.H. Keiter2 1Institute for Environmental Research ... -
Flipped classroom – a tool to improve the learning outcome in Agroecology? Experience from using Scalable Learning the first year Alf Ekblad Ulf Hanell What the hell is flipped classroom? Flipping ... -
Ton de Waal Summer school 2023 Combining probability and nonprobability samples on an aggregated Level • Based on work by former master student Sofia Villalobos- Aliste (and my colleague Sander Sch... -
Research Paper Efficacy of a transdiagnostic emotion–focused exposure treatment for chronic pain patients with comorbid anxiety and depression: a randomized controlled trial Katja Boersmaa,*, Marti... -
Does regional context matter for family firm employment growth?
Contents lists available at ScienceDirect Journal of Family Business Strategy journal homepage: www.elsevier.com/locate/jfbs Does regional context matter for family firm employment growth?☆ Johan K... -
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*Contact email: maria.bjornsdotter@oru.se Björnsdotter MK*, Yeung LWY, Kärrman A, Ericson Jogsten I Man-Technology-Environment (MTM) Research Centre, School of Science and Technology, Örebro Univer... -
2020-04-06 1 The societal impact of political science research at Örebro University – three case studies Introduction As part of developing a new model for evaluating the quality and impact of rese... -
Kartläggning och behovsinventering av arbetet med insatser till vål...
Kartläggning och behovsinventering av arbetet med insatser till våldsutövare i nära relation inom Örebro län Uppdragsgivare: Länsstyrelsen Örebro Ansvarig utgivare: Örebro universitet Kriminologi J... -
PACEM:S PUBLIKATIONSFÖRTECKNING SEPTEMBER 2024 Elisabeth Bergdahl Artiklar i tidskrifter Wall, C., Blomberg, K., Bergdahl, E., Sjölin, H., & Alm, F. (2024). Patients near death receiving specialize... -
Radikalt friluftsliv och grön omställning Argaladeis 1970-tal som miljöpedagogisk inspiration Klas Sandell och Johan Öhman ESERGO ESSAYS #3 2024 Environmental and Sustainability Education Research ... -
Anvisning för ansökan om antagning som oavlönad docent
Anvisningar oavlönad docent 2023-11-01 Sidnr: 1 (7) Anvisning för ansökan om antagning som oavlönad docent Den som vill antas som docent vid Fakulteten för medicin och hälsa ska skriftligen ansöka ... -
Microsoft Word - universities160122
Universities as engines for regional growth? Using the synthetic control method to analyze the effects of research universities Carl Bonander1, Niklas Jakobsson1,2, *, Federico Podestà3, and Mikael... -
Latent Mixed Markov Models for the Production of Population Census Data on Employment D.Filipponi, R.Varriale Statistics Sweden and Örebro University Summer School August 22 2023 General Context M... -
RAPPORT NATIONELL FORSKNINGSKONFERENS I SOCIALT ARBETE Abstractsammanställning Sara Thunberg, Daniel Uhnoo, Anders Bruhn Working Papers and Reports Social work 13 I ÖREBRO 2018 Editors: Anders Bruh... -
Nobel Day Festivities_Book of abstracts 2021
Örebro University’s NOBEL DAY FESTIVITIES BOOK OF ABSTRACTS 9 December 2021 Örebro University, School of Health Sciences and School of Medical Sciences, Örebro Sweden Title: Örebro University’s Nob...