
Ungefär 1917 resultat (0,02 sekunder)

  • Your guide to Mentor Match

    MENTOR MATCH Your guide 2 I Get in touch: alumn@oru.se Photo: Terése Andersson We can describe the point of mentoring as… “To support and encourage people to manage their own learning in order that...
    https://www.oru.se/contentassets/aa8042e06e0e4b68848ed86a60cd6893/your-guide-to-mentor-match-2022-23-web.pdf - 2MB
  • SIPE – sammanfattning och resultat från studien 2016-2019

    Falun, februari 2024 1 Hårdstedt et al. Swimming-induced pulmonary edema: diagnostic criteria validated by lung ultrasound. Chest 2020; 158 (4): 1586-1595 Hårdstedt et al. Incidence of swimming-ind...
    https://www.oru.se/globalassets/filer-rdb/rdb-grupp/mv/simningsorsakat-lungodem/om-sipe-och-resultat-fran-sipe-studien-2016-2019.pdf - 778kB
  • what_works__processes_of_change_in_a.2.pdf

    D ow nloaded from http://journals.lw w .com /clinicalpain by BhD M f5ePH Kav1zEoum 1tQ fN 4a+kJLhEZgbsIH o4XM i0hC yw C X1AW nYQ p/IlQ rH D 3i3D 0O dR yi7TvSFl4C f3VC 1y0abggQ ZXdgG j2M w lZLeI= on...
    https://www.oru.se/globalassets/oru-sv/forskning/forskargrupper/hybridstudien/rapporter/what_works__processes_of_change_in_a.2.pdf - 290kB
  • Theorizing and modelling in management accounting research

    Accounting Research Centre Department of Business Studies Aarhus School of Business Aarhus University -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------...
    https://www.oru.se/contentassets/8c0aac0429f54a3eb54af058f5ceb2f3/invitation-theorizing--modelling-in-ma-research-spring-2022.pdf - 636kB
  • program-nafs-2016-oslo---people-moving-with-food.pdf

    PROGRAM to the 2016 NAFS conference 28-29 November, 2016 PEOPLE MOVING WITH FOOD: Food, migration and multiculturalism The Nordic Association for Food Studies (NAFS), founded in Stockholm in Decemb...
    https://www.oru.se/globalassets/oru-sv/institutioner/rhs/bilder/forskning/nafs/program-nafs-2016-oslo---people-moving-with-food.pdf - 266kB
  • abstract-book-inflammation-in-focus.pdf

    29 th of September 2022 at Örebro university X-HiDE presents Inflammation in focus Abstract collection Exposure to environmental contaminants associated with alteration of metabolite profiles in im...
    https://www.oru.se/contentassets/9d0662b4e5f245089acfe9cab7b803a5/abstract-book-inflammation-in-focus.pdf - 2MB
  • Brandfarliga och brandunderstödjande gaser - Laboratoriesäkerhetsha...

    Gasol Gasol är en sammansättning av till största delen propan (C3H8) samt mindre delar av butan (C4H10) och etan (C2H6). Gasen är färglös och har en, genom
    https://www.oru.se/utbildning/jag-ar-student/mina-studier/sakerhet/laboratoriesakerhetshandboken/gaser-och-trycksatta-anordningar/brandfarliga-och-brandunderstodjande-gaser/ - 55kB
  • Additive Manufacturing Technologies for metals 7,5 hp - Course syll...

    1 (4) Additive Manufacturing Technologies for metals 7,5 hp Additiv Tillverkning för metaller, 7,5 hp Course Code/Codes 50MT038 Subject Area Mechanical Engineering. The course is also given for stu...
    https://www.oru.se/contentassets/dcaafae452434e288d08991ec24e4da6/additive-manufacturing-technologies-for-metals-75-hp-course-syllabus-for-third-cycle-courses-and-study-programmes-50mt038.pdf - 116kB
  • IDA-programmet - Örebro universitet

    IDA-programmet (Individual Development and Adaptation - the ida program) är ett stort pågående longitudinellt forskningsprogram som har följt personer från deras barndom i mitten av 1960-talet.
    https://www.oru.se/forskning/forskningsproj/bsr/ida-programmet/ - 35kB
  • Statusmall Buk, Yttre genitalia, Rektal-undersökning

    T5NME_VT2022 2022-01-12 1(2) Statusmall Buk, Yttre genitalia, Rektal-undersökning Kom ihåg att berätta för patienten vad du skall göra! Se till att patienten ligger förhållandevis bekvämt! Buken I ...
    https://www.oru.se/globalassets/oru-sv/institutioner/mv/vfu/vfu-handledare/termin-5/vfu-temadagar-termin-5-information-till-handledare-och-studenter/statusmall_t5nme_buk_yg_pr_vt2022.pdf - 219kB

    Please fill out electronically and contact the ENM Coordinator of your home institution APPLICATION FORM 2021/22 For attending the exchange programme in the European Nursing Module (ENM) (After all...
    https://www.oru.se/contentassets/a16387f234aa4200be3cc6d29771c479/ansokningsformular-enm.docx - 69kB
  • Riktlinjer 60%-seminarium - Örebro universitet

    Riktlinjer och checklista inför 60%-seminarium för forskarutbildningsämnet Funktionsnedsättning och samhälle (enl. prefektbeslut ORU 1.2.1-04858/2019)
    https://www.oru.se/utbildning/utbildning-pa-forskarniva/forskarutbildningsamnen-och-allmanna-studieplaner/funktionsnedsattning-och-samhalle/for-dig-som-ar-doktorand/riktlinjer-for-60-seminarium/ - 38kB
  • Do Quantitative and Qualitative Research Reflect two Distinct Cultu...

    Do Quantitative and Qualitative Research Reflect two Distinct Cultures? An Empirical Analysis of 180 Articles Suggests “no” David Kuehn 1 and Ingo Rohlfing 2 Abstract The debate about the character...
    https://www.oru.se/globalassets/oru-sv/institutioner/rhs/forskning/kuehn-and-rohlfing-two-cultures-2022.pdf - 1MB
  • essay-2.pdf

    1 Capital taxation of owners of closely held corporations in Sweden, 1991to 2018 18 November 2019 Niklas Wykmana, b a Örebro University School of Business SE – 701 82 Örebro Sweden bResearch Insti...
    https://www.oru.se/globalassets/oru-sv/institutioner/hh/seminarieserien-nek/essay-2.pdf - 1MB
  • IDA-rapport nr. 81

    AV Anton Grip Nummer 81 Oktober 2002 UTVECKLING IDA I Psykologiska institutionen STOCKHOLMS UNIVERSITET 106 91 STOCKHOLM ISSN 1651-0542 Viera Dornic, Copy Editor TEL +46 8 16 3962 FAX +46 8 15 9342...
    https://www.oru.se/contentassets/16b7494fdcc847df8bf175c0dd2d4ef7/ida-report-no-81.pdf - 1MB