
Ungefär 1916 resultat (0,02 sekunder)

  • tine-viig-abstract-submission-viig-nnrme-2023.pdf

    Abstract submission, Senior research paper with commentator ‘MusiCrafting’ in music teacher education The manifold potential ways of engaging with technology are continuously expanding in our chang...
    https://www.oru.se/globalassets/oru-sv/institutioner/mh/dokument/nnrme-2023-abstract/tine-viig-abstract-submission-viig-nnrme-2023.pdf - 86kB
  • Course syllabus. Third-cycle courses and study programmes

    1 (4) Human-Machine Interaction (3 credits) Människor-Maskin Interaktion (3 högskolepoäng) Course Code/Codes 50DT065 Subject Area Computer Science School/equivalent NT Valid from HT2023 Approved 20...
    https://www.oru.se/contentassets/c019c764bfa047bea60067ef9dfa9057/course-plan-hmi4coairob.pdf - 201kB
  • Kartläggning och behovsinventering av arbetet med insatser till vål...

    Kartläggning och behovsinventering av arbetet med insatser till våldsutövare i nära relation inom Örebro län Uppdragsgivare: Länsstyrelsen Örebro Ansvarig utgivare: Örebro universitet Kriminologi J...
    https://www.oru.se/globalassets/filer-rdb/rdb-grupp/jps/stop/behovsinventering-insatser-till-valdsutovare-i-nara-relation-inom-orebro-lan-30-juni-2022.pdf - 407kB
  • Slide 1

    Tapping as a vibrational stimulus to investigate behavioral alterations in zebrafish embryos Norina Pagano1,2, M. Blanc2, G. Nilén², H. Hollert1, S.H. Keiter2 1Institute for Environmental Research ...
    https://www.oru.se/contentassets/7afa1d1a8df7415a9498720de4151d41/setac_rome_2018_pagano_tapping-as-a-vibrational-stimulus-to-investigate-behavioral-alterations-in-zebrafish-embryos.pdf - 460kB
  • Insjön

    Flipped classroom – a tool to improve the learning outcome in Agroecology? Experience from using Scalable Learning the first year Alf Ekblad Ulf Hanell What the hell is flipped classroom? Flipping ...
    https://www.oru.se/globalassets/oru-sv/om-universitetet/hogskolepedagogiskt-centrum/filer/presentationer-fr-14-mars-2019/flipped-classroom--a-tool-to-improve-the-learning-outcome-in-agroecology-hanell-ekblad.pdf - 1MB
  • Maria Jansson - Institutionen för humaniora, utbildnings- och samhä...

    Maria Jansson är docent i statsvetenskap och professor i genusvetenskap vid Örebro universitet.  Hennes forskning handlar om kvinnors villkor i samhället och
    https://www.oru.se/personal/maria_jansson - 97kB
  • artiklar-i-internationella-tidskrifter.pdf

    Artiklar i internationella tidskrifter Sundborg, E. , Törnkvist, L., Saleh-Stattin. Wändell, P. & Hylander, I. (2017). To ask or not to ask: the hesitation process described by district nurses enco...
    https://www.oru.se/contentassets/9a41c1e397ec4166b385001c31316eee/artiklar-i-internationella-tidskrifter.pdf - 124kB
  • CMR klassificering / arbete med CMR-kemikalier - Laboratoriesäkerhe...

    På Arbetsmiljöverkets sida Cancerframkallande, mutagena och reproduktionsstörande ämnen – 38-49 §§ framgår vilka regler som gäller för s.k. CMR-produkter...
    https://www.oru.se/utbildning/jag-ar-student/mina-studier/sakerhet/laboratoriesakerhetshandboken/kemikaliesakerhet/cmr-klassificering--arbete-med-cmr-kemikalier/ - 48kB
  • Erasmus+ Learning Agreement Student Mobility for Traineeships (KA171)

    Higher Education: Erasmus+ Learning Agreement form Academic Year 2024/2025 Erasmus+ Learning Agreement PhD student short Mobility for Traineeships Trainee Last name(s) First name(s) Date of birth N...
    https://www.oru.se/globalassets/oru-sv/student/internationella-kontoret/erasmus/learning-agreement-call-2023-phd-short-traineeship.docx - 61kB
  • Erasmus+ Learning Agreement Student Mobility for Traineeships (KA171)

    Higher Education: Erasmus+ Learning Agreement form Academic Year 2024/2025 Erasmus+ Learning Agreement Student Mobility for Traineeships Trainee Last name(s) First name(s) Date of birth Nationality...
    https://www.oru.se/globalassets/oru-sv/student/internationella-kontoret/erasmus/learning-agreement-traineeships-call-2023.docx - 61kB
  • PowerPoint-presentatie

    Ton de Waal Summer school 2023 Combining probability and nonprobability samples on an aggregated Level • Based on work by former master student Sofia Villalobos- Aliste (and my colleague Sander Sch...
    https://www.oru.se/contentassets/afc79dc6c07c496d9664e83cb015c48b/1d---combining_estimates_nps_and_ps_sweden_pdf.pdf - 1MB
  • Family business—A missing link in economics?

    Contents lists available at ScienceDirect Journal of Family Business Strategy journal homepage: www.elsevier.com/locate/jfbs Family business—A missing link in economics? Dan Johanssona,b, Johan Kar...
    https://www.oru.se/globalassets/oru-sv/institutioner/hh/seminarieserien-nek/family-business---a-missing-link-in-economics.pdf - 529kB
  • Map of Campus Örebro 2017

    NOVA FORSKAREN K ar ta : H ål lé n A rk ite kt er A B F BUS ROUTES TOWN CENTRE–CAMPUS Route 2 & 3 Slottet–Universitetet–Brickebacken Route 9 Slottet–Resecentrum–USÖ–Universitetet Route 10 Våghustor...
    https://www.oru.se/contentassets/20834f54299a405c97eb401a483bd237/map_campus_orebro_2017_en.pdf - 419kB
  • Course Outline Information Retrieval with Reading List

    Course Content The course covers: • Identifying types of reviews, databases and scholarly sources relevant to a specific subject area • Designing a relevant search strategy • Distinguishing between...
    https://www.oru.se/contentassets/dc6698bae2f347a39f004b93e215f792/course-outline-information-retrieval-with-reading-list.pdf - 216kB
  • policy-supportjanfinal.pdf

    1 Numbers vs. Words: Investigating the Impact of Environmental Information Format on Supporting Environmental Policies Abstract: Across four studies, we show that providing information about enviro...
    https://www.oru.se/contentassets/fc48d441b5404424ad918c14531bef3c/policy-supportjanfinal.pdf - 288kB