Ungefär 1942 resultat (0,03 sekunder)
Lärares kontakter och samverkan med föräldrar Lars Erikson Rapporter i Pedagogik, Örebro universitet, 14 1 Lärares kontakter och samverkan med föräldrar Lars Erikson 2 3 © Lars Erikson, 2009 lars.e... -
It’s Where You’re From, It’s Where You’re At: Culture, Individualism and Preferences for Redistribution* Olle Hammar† February 14, 2019 Abstract: In this study, I analyze the relationship between i... -
Architectures and protocols in modern distributed systems 4 credits...
1 (4) Architectures and protocols in modern distributed systems 4 credits Arkitekturer och protokoll för moderna distribuerade system 4 hp Course Code/Codes 50DT050 Subject Area Computer Science (D... -
PowerPoint prezentacija
Elementna analiza sušenog manga spektrometrijom masa uz induktivno spregnutu plazmu Ema Mihalić1, Iva Juranović Cindrić1, Ivan Nemet1, Michaela Zeiner2, Heidelore Fiedler2 1Sveučilište u Zagrebu Pr... -
IDA-rapport nr. 84
No. 70 Bergman, LR. Women's health, work, and education in a life span perspective. Technical report 1: Theoretical background and overview of the data collection. (January 2000) No. 71 Isaksson, ... -
29 th of September 2022 at Örebro university X-HiDE presents Inflammation in focus Abstract collection Exposure to environmental contaminants associated with alteration of metabolite profiles in im... -
International Review of Entrepreneurship, Article #0000, 18(1): pp. 00-00. © 2020, Senate Hall Academic Publishing. GALLEY PROOF High-growth Firms and the Labor Market Entry of First-generation Imm... -
Mischa Billing - Kommunikation och samverkansstöd - Örebro universitet
Mischa Billing Mischa Billing Befattning: Universitetslektor Organisation: Kommunikation och samverkansstöd E-post: -... -
Brandfarliga och brandunderstödjande gaser - Laboratoriesäkerhetsha...
Gasol Gasol är en sammansättning av till största delen propan (C3H8) samt mindre delar av butan (C4H10) och etan (C2H6). Gasen är färglös och har en, genom -
Exploring the potential of edible forest gardens: experiences from a participatory action research project in Sweden Johanna Björklund . Karin Eksvärd . Christina Schaffer Received: 30 January 2017... -
Microsoft Word - The local income tax Laffer curve in Sweden
1 The local income tax Laffer curve in Sweden* Martin Nordström1† and Emelie Värja2† Örebro University School of Business Preliminary draft Abstract In this study we estimate the effects from a tax... -
Community Participation in Decision-Making Evidence from an experiment in providing safe drinking water in Bangladesh Malgosia Madajewicz⇤1, Anna Tompsett2 and Ahasan Habib3 1NASA Goddard Institute... -
D ow nloaded from http://journals.lw w .com /clinicalpain by BhD M f5ePH Kav1zEoum 1tQ fN 4a+kJLhEZgbsIH o4XM i0hC yw C X1AW nYQ p/IlQ rH D 3i3D 0O dR yi7TvSFl4C f3VC 1y0abggQ ZXdgG j2M w lZLeI= on... -
Theorizing and modelling in management accounting research
Accounting Research Centre Department of Business Studies Aarhus School of Business Aarhus University -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------... -
Prevalence of attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder in older adu...
Contents lists available at ScienceDirect Neuroscience and Biobehavioral Reviews journal homepage: www.elsevier.com/locate/neubiorev Review article Prevalence of attention-deficit/hyperactivity dis...