Centre for Empirical Research on Organizing and Control (CEROC)
Om forskningsmiljön
- Humaniora-Samhällsvetenskap
- Economic, organizational and social aspects of management accounting and control
- Institutional change and organizational control
- Socio-ideological controls in contemporary organizations
Det övergripande målet för CEROC är att öka vår kunskap om de organisatoriska, sociala, etiska och ekonomiska aspekterna av organisatorisk styrning. Inom detta övergripande mål arbetar forskare vid miljön med ett antal frågor som rör användning, konsekvenser och förändring av:
- Ekonomisk styrning, med särskilt fokus på redovisningsbaserade system och praktiker.
- Socio-ideologisk styrning såsom etiska uppförandekoder, och organisatoriska och professionella identiteter.
- Gun Abrahamsson
- Maira Babri
- Karin Berglund
- Tommy Borglund
- Sabina Du Rietz
- Hans Englund
- Per Forsberg
- Jonas Gerdin
- Jan Greve
- Magnus Hansson
- Hans Hasselbladh
- Sven Helin
- Malin Härström
- Leanne Johnstone
- Shruti Kashyap
- Simon Lundh
- Andreas Nilsson
- Virginia Rosales
- Helen Stockhult
- Kristina Sutter-Beime
- Gabriella Wennblom
- Niklas Wällstedt
- Stella El Masry, Doktorand
Pågående projekt
- A study of how self-regulated cooperation is made possible through notched sticks
- Accounting for Science: Performance Management Systems and Researchers' Identities
- Att möjliggöra säkra och cirkulära materialflöden - en fallstudie av PFAS i livscykeln för matförpackningar
- Change and renewal of management accounting systems
- Företags styrsystem som ett paket? Konfigurationer, samband och effektivitet av företags styrsystem
- Institutions, technology and organizations
- Konfigurationer av PMS
- Leadership and work environment during restructuring - A study of training intervention
- Military culture and organizing
- Performance management in the educational sector
- Valuation of intangibles - rules and principles for value creation from an accounting perspective
Avslutade projekt
- A configurative view on control packages
- Benchmarking in Swedish local government
- Beyond new public management
- Causes and consequenses of downsizing and corporate restructuring
- Corporate codes of ethics and globalization
- Diffusion of management accounting innovations
- E-commerce and FMCG - Impact on economy, sustainability and network organization of distribution
- Ethical support structures in retail
- Forms of contingency fit in management accounting research
- How corporate codes of ethics travel in organizations: the responsible vs the morally-distanced corporation
- Identity of leaders - principals in school
- Implementing evolutionary theory in the social sciences
- Individuals' reactions and actions during plant closure
- Institutional Logics and Accounting Professionals - The case of K2 and K3
- Inter-organizational management control in public sector outsourcing
- Knowledge transfer in the ABC implementation literature
- Management accounting and gender
- Management accounting and institutional change
- Management accounting and organizational identity change
- Management accounting change in institutional theory research: literature review
- Management by intrapreneurship in public sector
- Management fads - can we better understand them?
- Mapping management accounting and trust research: a literature review
- Micro-dynamics of emergent organizational identity changes
- Normas and practices - three non-profit associations and their accounting
- Organizational citizenship behaviour (OCB) in organizations
- Organizational routines in management accounting
- Outsourcing in local government
- Power and ethics in stakeholder management
- Pregnancy and employment
- Prerequisites for sustainability reporting within the Swedish district heating sector: Problems and opportunities
- Productivity effects and management during plant closures
- Professional work identity under extreme conditions
- Public sector institutional change
- Structuration theory and management accounting research
- Target costing and perceived environmental uncertainty
- The labor contract and the governing of the modern work force
- The use of accounting information for organizational sensemaking