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Laboratory Safety Manual

Systematic work environment management

Studies of the work environment provide the basis for the risk assessments. By highlighting and reviewing all factors that can have a bearing on a particular risk, you improve the possibilities of assessing the severity of the risk.

The regulations on systematic work environment management (AFS 2001:1) comprise a number of activities. Risk assessment is the second step in the central activity chain prescribed under the regulation.

The central activity chain comprises the following activities:

  1. examination of the work environment;
  2. risk assessment;
  3. implementation of measures;
  4. monitoring of measures.

There are several benefits to be gained from performing risk assessments. The basic benefit is that it should help identify the right measures to take, but it can also help to prioritise between different measures. The most serious risks should be addressed first. In order for risk assessments and other activities in the central activity chain to have optimum effect, other activities also need to be carried out.

The rules on systematic work environment management require, among other things, the following: clear procedures for all systematic work environment management, adequate skills and knowledge to perform the work environment management, appropriate distribution of work environment management tasks within the activity, and cooperation between the employer and employees.

  • AFS 2023:1 Arbetsmiljöverkets föreskrifter och allmänna råd om systematiskt arbetsmiljöarbete – grundläggande skyldigheter för dig med arbetsgivaransvar (in Swedish only)