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Laboratory Safety Manual

Infectious agents

The employer is responsible for registering the use of infectious agents in the workplace (applies to risk classes 2, 3 and 4) to the Swedish Work Environment Authority. Registering must be done before any activity begins. New registration is required if anything changes that has to do with the risks. If, during your activities, you work with infectious agents but do not intend to cultivate or otherwise increase the content of infectious agents, then this is not considered using infectious agents. In that case, you do not have to notify of an activity. Examples of activities not subject to notification are the care of infected people or animals, biochemical analyses of human or animal samples, disposal of waste containing infectious agents, decontamination of bird droppings and work with sewage. If microorganisms such as bacteria are used that are not infectious agents, which can only cause disease in animals, you do not have to notify of an activity.

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