This page in Swedish

Laboratory Safety Manual

Genetically modified microorganism (GMM)

F-activity or L-activity

Before any work may begin, the Swedish Work Environment Authority must be notified of the activity. All new GMM uses in a previously reported L-activity must also be reported. Once an F-activity or L-activity has been notified and processed, it may normally be conducted without a deadline until the employer notifies the Swedish Work Environment Authority that the activity has shut down.


Before any work may begin, the Swedish Work Environment Authority must be notified of the activity and a permit issued by the authority. Note that a new GMM use in an existing R-activity may not begin without a permit. The permit is always time-restricted and must be renewed at regular intervals. The Swedish Work Environment Authority issues permits for three-year intervals but sometimes may issue a permit for five years. If a permit is not renewed, the activity may no longer continue, and the Swedish Work Environment Authority assumes it has shut down.

All changes to a previously notified GMM activity must always be updated.

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