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Laboratory Safety Manual

Chemical substances group A and group B

Group A

Handling group A carcinogens is normally prohibited as there are strict restrictions regarding handling. In certain exceptional cases, these substances may be handled, but only after the issuance of a permit by the Swedish Work Environment Authority. A complete list of chemical substances in group A is found on the Swedish Work Environment Authority’s website.

Group B

The Swedish Work Environment Authority requires a permit to handle certain substances such as carcinogenic, sensitising, allergenic, or those toxic for reproduction, otherwise known as group B chemical substances. This also applies to the substances’ salts and when the substance contains crystal water. A complete list of chemical substances in group B is found on the Swedish Work Environment Authority’s website.

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  • AFS 2023:10 Arbetsmiljöverkets föreskrifter och allmänna råd om risker i arbetsmiljön (in Swedish only)