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Laboratory Safety Manual


A permit application must be submitted to the Swedish Work Environment Authority when working with asbestos and materials containing asbestos. Permits cannot be transferred to another activity, and it is the employer carrying out the work that must apply for the permit. It is not possible to submit an application for work with asbestos without first obtaining a permit.

Removal of asbestos and materials containing asbestos

When removing asbestos and materials containing asbestos, the following documents need to be attached to the permit application: training certificates for persons in charge of the work, training certificates and fitness for work certificates for persons carrying out the work, the opinion of the regional safety representative or, in their absence, the opinion of the local safety representative, as well as handling and safety instructions. Once the activities have obtained permission to remove the asbestos, the activities on the specific work site must also be reported to the Swedish Work Environment Authority no later than two working days before the asbestos removal begins.

Research on asbestos or materials containing asbestos

Activities handling asbestos or materials containing asbestos in research, development or analysis must also apply for a permit. Applications must be made no later than four weeks before the work begins.

Working with or processing asbestos

If the activities have a time-limited general permit for working with or processing asbestos not tied to a specific work site, an application must be submitted each time work is started on a new site. Information must be received by the Swedish Work Environment Authority no later than two working days before work on the individual object may begin.

  • AFS 2023:13 Arbetsmiljöverkets föreskrifter och allmänna råd om risker vid vissa typer av arbeten (in Swedish only)