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Laboratory Safety Manual

Machine safety

All laboratory work must be preceded by a risk analysis that assesses the overall risk of the work activities concerned. This also applies to the construction, machinery and robot laboratories.

Laboratory work may only begin with the permission of the responsible staff member (the person responsible is listed outside each lab), and following a review of the applicable safety regulations and local procedures concerning the equipment to be used.

Bear in mind that while safety regulations and rules must be followed, they do not replace common sense and personal assessment of the risks. Consult the responsible staff member in the event of any uncertainty about how a tool or machine should be handled correctly and safely.

General Rules

It is forbidden to smoke, eat or drink in the laboratories. No equipment may be used without permission. Work in the laboratories should be carried out calmly and without stress. Order must be maintained during and after completion of the work. All persons in the laboratories must comply with the safety procedures and rules of conduct at all times.

Working method

Appropriate protective equipment must be worn during laboratory work. The protective equipment must be suitable for the equipment that is to be used. In case of uncertainty, always consult the responsible staff members.

Solitary work must be limited and, if possible, avoided completely. If solitary work is deemed necessary, the guidelines in the Solitary work section must be followed.

After the work is completed, the workspace must be left in a condition that enables other persons to work there safely. Any equipment/materials used must be returned to their designated locations.

If the laboratory work involves handling of chemicals, gases, radioactive substances, etc., a risk assessment must be carried out before handling them, with reference made to the safety data sheet for the substance (for more information, see the relevant sections of the Laboratory Safety Manual, e.g. Chemical safety, Flammable goods, Gases, Radiation protection, Laboratory waste). 

Use of machines

Machines or robots may not be used without the permission of the responsible staff members. Special clothing may be required for working with specific machines. See the local safety regulations applicable to each machine/robot.

Before using the robot/machine, the emergency stop must be identified and the work must be carried out so that the emergency stop can be reached when the machine/robot is in operation. There may be a risk of crushing when using a machine or robot. For this reason, never touch a machine or robot while it is in operation.

When working with rotating machines:

  • It is forbidden to wear loose clothing, watches or hanging jewellery
  • Long hair must be tied up, e.g. in a bun, or in a hair net
  • Protective eyewear must always be worn
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