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Laboratory Safety Manual


Laboratory purchases are primarily made through contracted suppliers. Information on framework agreements and direct procurement is available at Inforum (Support and service/ Finance and purchasing/ Purchasing and procurement). Moreover, the purchasing procedures at each division/school should be taken into account.

Before purchasing new chemicals and chemical products, it is important to assess the risks associated with them, their intended use, and whether they require a permit or notification. With regard to substances that are hazardous to health and the environment, it is important to consider whether the product can be replaced with another less hazardous product or another method.

All newly purchased chemicals must be recorded in the KLARA chemical register. There is at least one authorised KLARA user per school/division. In case of uncertainty as to who that person is, or if the new chemicals cannot be registered in KLARA, please contact the administrator ( The safety data sheets that come with purchased chemicals must be registered in Public 360, the chemicals' SDB is registered here once a year (for questions, contact Carina Modig).