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Laboratory Safety Manual

Incidents and accidents

Systematic work environment management allows the opportunity to discover risks before something happens instead of only carrying out measures after illness, incident, or accident. Using a systematic approach, it is possible to discover more of what is important for employee health and makes clear which measures help. All employers must conduct systematic work environment management with the aim of preventing ill health and accidents at work. Compilations of ill health, injuries and incidents are a good basis for enabling proper investigation.

Risk observation

A risk observation means a risk has been observed in the work environment that could cause incidents or accidents if nothing is done. An example could be a blocked emergency exit or protection missing on a machine.


An incident is an undesirable occurrence or circumstance that could have led to an accident. Perhaps, a mere chance that it was a near-accident in which no one was injured. For example, something heavy fell off a shelf but did not hit anyone. In this case, an ”oops” instead of an ”ouch”. The employee or student concerned completes an incident report found under this page’s ”Links” section. They also notify the employer and supervisor or teacher of the incident. The employer then sends the form to HR. The employer is responsible for investigating incidents.

Serious incident

A serious incident is an occurrence other than an accident posing a danger to life or health. Examples of serious incidents are someone falling from a few meters height without injuring themselves; hanging cargo or similar falling close to someone or where someone could have been; a driver of a vehicle being subjected to laser fire; someone suffering a stab or cut injury from a syringe or similar and there is known or strong suspicion that a patient’s or another person’s blood is infected; a smoke, gas or chemical spill without injuries; or an explosion in a room empty of people at the time. It can also involve an event that affected someone psychologically, such as an insult, any threat of violence, threats involving a knife or firearms, threats of murder considered serious or other threats of violence against a person; severe cases of bullying, abuse, and harassment; if someone is exposed to prolonged harmful stress and suffers strong reactions. The employer assesses, on a case-by-case basis, whether an incident or injury is so serious that it needs to be reported to the Swedish Work Environment Authority. The occupational injury report is submitted on the website ”anmäl arbetsskada”. The employer must also complete an incident report under this page’s ”links” section. A copy of the occupational injury report is to be sent to HR. The employer is obligated to investigate what has happened and then implement proper measures to ensure that what has happened does not happen again.


An accident is an undesirable sudden occurrence leading to physical or mental injury. Injuries can be slight or as severe as a fatal accident.

Occupational injury/death

An occupational injury is:

  • an injury or illness resulting from an accident or otherwise caused by work.
  • an injury that has occurred on the way to or from work.
  • a contagious disease resulting from infection at work.
  • a contagious disease arising at work when the condition is classified as a danger to society.

Employees notify the employer that an occupational injury has occurred. The employee or employer submits an occupational injury report on the website ”anmäl arbetsskadan”. Via this e-service, the report is forwarded to the Swedish Social Insurance Agency and the Swedish Work Environment Authority. A copy of the occupational injury report is to be sent to HR. The employer is obliged to investigate the causes of occupational injuries at work. In addition, the employee can apply for compensation from the Swedish Social Insurance Agency – more on their “Occupational injuries ” webpage. Students notify the supervisor or teacher that an occupational injury has occurred. Detailed procedures are found on Örebro University’s website via the link “Internal procedures students” (in Swedish). Cases of death resulting from a workplace accident or a fatal accident to/from work are reported by the employer on the website ”anmäl arbetsskadan”. 

  • AFS 2023:1 Arbetsmiljöverkets föreskrifter och allmänna råd om systematiskt arbetsmiljöarbete – grundläggande skyldigheter för dig med arbetsgivaransvar (in Swedish only)
  • SFS 2010:110 Social Insurance Code