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Change your password

You are using your password for the ORU account when logging in to, for example, Studentforum and Blackboard.

Your password must:

  • contain between 8 and 64 characters
  • contain different types of characters (numbers, lowercase letters, UPPERCASE LETTERS and special characters)
  • contain 8 unique characters

You may well select a password containing more than 12 characters. The password must then contain at least 2 types of characters, for example BaaBaaBlackSheep (Note! Do not use this particular password as it is being used as an example).

If you opt for a password shorter than 13 characters, it must contain at least 3 types of characters, for example El3ph4nt! (Note! Do not use this particular password as it is being used as an example).

The following characters are permitted:

  • A – Z
  • a – z
  • 0 – 9
  • Special characters: ! # $ % & ’ ( ) * + , - . / : ; < = > ? [ \ ] ^ _ ` { | } ~ and space

Your password should NOT:

  • be identical or similar to your last name.
  • be linked to personal data such as your name, personal identity number or telephone number.
  • be made up of a common combination of characters.
  • consist of only one single word.