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Exam routine 

You must check in at one of our exam check-in desks – as designated in your course schedule – in Teknikhuset and Långhuset.

The exam environment is a quiet zone, meaning we keep our voices down and do not disturb other students taking exams.

As a student, you are required to:

  • Check your course schedule for where you are designated to take your exam – either exam rooms T (Teknikhuset) or exam rooms L (Långhuset).
  • Check in at the exam check-in desk in the assigned building and have your proof of ID ready.
  • Check in and pick up your card with your assigned seat.
  • Acquire the sealed envelope (for an hall-based exam) containing your exam and your personal anonymous code.
  • Store all your personal belongings in a locker outside the exam hall.
  • Completely turn off your mobile and store it in a locker outside the exam hall.
  • Bring NO personal belongings with you when visiting the toilet after you have been checked in.
  • Report to the assigned exam hall.
  • Identify yourself to an invigilator at the exam hall door and show that the seal on the on-paper exam envelope is unbroken.
  • Sit at your assigned desk.
  • Read the rules and instructions placed at your assigned seat.
  • Respect the silence in the quiet zone upon entering and until you leave.

The methods of examination used on the course you are taking are described in the course syllabus. Two commonly used methods of examination are hall based exams in exam halls and take-home exams. Written assignments, essays, seminars and hand-in assignments are examples of other methods used.

Rules for hall-based exams

Compulsory sign-up

  • Signing up is compulsory for all hall-based exams at Örebro University. Sign up in the student portal Studenttjänster/Ladok student. If you have failed to sign up within the sign-up period, you will not be permitted to sit the exam.
  • The sign-up window opens approximately 25 days before the exam.
  • The sign-up window closes seven days before the exam.
  • All exams at Örebro University are anonymous to ensure a fair and impartial marking process.
  • If you do not have an ORU account enabling you to log into Studenttjänster, contact your school to sign up.

Check-in at the exam environment

  • Respect the quiet exam environment from the moment you enter until you leave.
  • Be at the check-in desk 30 minutes before the start of your exam.
  • Know your course code so you know which exam you will be sitting.
  • Your sign-up for the exam will be checked and you will receive a card with your assigned seat.
  • Have your valid proof of ID ready. Any electronic proof of ID is not accepted. If your ID has expired, it is not valid, and you will not be permitted to sit the exam. If you have not received your new ID before the exam, you must wait until the next time the exam is offered.
  • Entering the exam hall before you check in is not permitted.
  • Once you have checked in you are not permitted to leave the exam environment.
    The following documents are accepted as a valid proof of ID:
  • Swedish EU passport (provisional passports are not accepted)
  • Swedish national ID card (LMA cards and residence permit cards are not accepted)
  • Swedish driver’s licence
  • Swedish SIS marked ID card or ID card issued by a government authority, for example the Swedish Tax Authority
  • If you are a foreign citizen without a Swedish personal identity number, you must show your valid foreign passport as proof of ID. It must be clear, laminated, and include text in English, French or Spanish.
  • If you are a citizen of an EU/EES country without a Swedish personal identity number, a valid national ID card can also be used as proof of identity.
  • If you have signed up for the exam using your Swedish personal identity number, you must show a Swedish ID that includes your personal identity number.

Go to the designated exam hall

  • Leave your personal belongings, watches/clocks and your turned-off mobile phone and other electronic devices in a locker outside the hall.
  • Show your valid proof of ID to the invigilator at the door to the designated exam hall.

After the scheduled start of the exam, entry to the exam hall will only be allowed once, 30 minutes after the exam has started. After that, no student is permitted to enter the exam hall.

What can I bring into the exam hall?
You may bring:

  • The equipment you need to complete your exam. For a paper-based exam, you need a pencil and an eraser; for an electronic exam, you need a computer and a charger.
  • Any aids authorised by your teacher. This may be a calculator, dictionary, formula sheet, etc. The teacher must explicitly have specified in advance which aids are authorised. If you are unsure which aids are allowed, you can ask the invigilators.
  • Food and drink. But be considerate. NOTE! All exam halls are a nut-free zone.
  • Medical devices such as insulin pumps/meters and epi pens. If you need to bring medical equipment into the exam hall, inform the invigilators when you show them your ID. Follow the invigilators’ instructions.

You may not bring:

  • Outerwear or bags. They must be stored in the lockers outside the exam halls.
  • Mobile phone. It must be completely turned off and stored in the locker.
  • Other electronic equipment such as smartwatches, earphones etc. Nor may you have anything connected to the laptop’s USB port.
  • Watches or clocks.
  • Laptop bags, laptop and iPad covers or cases, and similar items.
  • Pencil cases. Remove what you need and put the case in the locker.
  • Aids not authorised by the teacher.

In the exam hall

  • Show your proof of identity to the invigilator at the door to the hall.
    Take your assigned seat.
  • Read the rules and instructions placed on your desk.
  • You may go to the toilet during your exam. If so, write your name and the time on the designated list. You may not bring any belongings to the toilet.
  • You may bring food and drink into the exam hall but do not bring any nuts. Be considerate and do not bring food that has a strong smell or makes a lot of noise.
  • Random checks may be carried out by the invigilator to prevent cheating. You will be given information by the invigilator before the start of the exam as to when this will be.
  • Respect the quiet exam environment until you have left the quiet zone.

View your marked result and marked exam
Your teacher has 15 working days to mark your exam. Once it has been marked, you can view your results in the student portal Studenttjänster – Ladok student.

If you have taken an e-exam, you will be able to view your exam along with any comments in WISEflow.

If you have taken a paper-based exam, your marked exam will be scanned two days after you have been awarded your grade, and you can then view it in the student portal Studenttjänster. The scanned exam is you original. Contact if you are unable to view your scanned exam. The paper version of your exam will be retained for one month after scanning and then it will be discarded. If you want to retrieve your paper exam before it is discarded, send a request to do so via email to Give details of the exam in question and you will be contacted once the exam is ready for pick-up at the Info Centre information desk. Bring proof of ID.

This page contains information on examinations.

Hall-based exams – practical information

Signing up

Signing up is compulsory for all examinations at Örebro University.

Exam sign-up opens 25 days before the day of the exam. The last day of sign up is 7 days before the day of the exam. 
Sign up for your exam in the student portal Studenttjänster. If you do not have an ORU account, contact your school to sign up for the exam.  

Proof of identity

To be permitted to take the exam, you are required to bring a valid form of ID to the exam hall. 

Anonymous examinations

At Örebro University, all exams are anonymous to ensure a fair and impartial marking process. Anonymous codes are issued in the exam hall on the day of the exam. 

Before your exam

  • Be at the exam hall 30 minutes before the start of the exam. Many students take exams at the same time and queues may form, which may delay the start of the exam.
  • To be permitted to take the exam, you must bring a valid form of ID to the exam hall. 
  • Remember your course code so that you know which exam to take.
  • When you have completed and submitted your examination, the exam receipt is the only thing you are allowed to bring with you.

View your marked exam

Your exam should be marked within 15 working days from the day of the exam. Two days after you have received your grade, your marked on-paper exam will be scanned and you will be able to view it in Studenttjänster. The scanned copy is your original. Contact Info Centre if you are having trouble viewing your scanned exam.

The paper copy of your exam will be discarded a month after it has been scanned. If you wish to pick up the paper copy before it is discarded, email your request to Info Centre. Include information on which exam you are referring to and you will be contacted once your exam is available for pick-up at the Info Centre’s information desk. Bring a valid form of ID.

Uncompleted courses

If you did not complete your course during the semester in which you had registered for it, contact the study advisor/study and research administrator at the school in question in order to complete the course.

Refer to the exam schedule to view dates for examinations for courses that are being phased out.

Students taking adapted exams

If you have a documented disability, you can apply for special educational support with Funka (disability support).

Contact the disability coordinators at Funka for more information on how to apply for support. Contact details can be found at Studying with disabilities.
