Frequently asked questions

When, where and how do I apply for a degree?

You apply for a degree in Studenttjänster when you have completed your education. The degree certificate is issued at the higher education institution where you studied the most recent course included in your degree. All results and final grades need to be registered before you apply.  If anything is missing or incorrect, contact the school responsible for the course. Please make sure that your e-mail address is correct before you apply.

If you are unable to log in to Studenttjänster visit Ladok Student for more information on possible login alternatives. You can also contact to get help with submitting your degree certificate application.

How long is the processing time?

Our goal is to issue the degree within two months, providing that the application is complete when it reaches us. Usually it takes shorter time than two months but at the end of a semester and during holidays, longer time may be required.

Can courses from other higher education institutions be included in my application?

Yes, you can include courses studied at another higher education institution in Sweden when you apply for your degree. 

If you have studied abroad as a free mover, send in certified copies of grades/transcripts/certificates and state which courses you would like to include in the degree.

How many credits can be included in the degree?

A general degree at the first level (university diploma or bachelor's degree) contains 120 or 180 higher education credits respectively. A general degree at the second level (one-year master's degree or two-year master's degree) contains 60 or 120 higher education credits respectively.

How do I receive my degree certificate when it has been issued?

Degree certificates are issued digitally from 1 January 2024.
You will receive a notification by e-mail when the degree certificate is issued and you download the degree certificate directly from Ladok for students.

You can download the degree certificate as many times as you want, and the information will always be identical to the current decision on the degree.

The digital degree certificate consists of a PDF file. The degree certificate is e-stamped. This means that the document cannot be altered after it has been downloaded from Ladok and shows that it comes from a credible source.

How can my degree certificate be verified?

Verification of a digital degree certificate
Verification of the stamp can be done by uploading the document to Ladok's verification page. It is also possible to verify the e-stamp through an established PDF reader.

On the last page of the degree certificate  there is more information regarding the e-stamp and how to verify its authenticity.

Share the degree 
You can share information about your degree certificate with, for example, a potential employer. When you share the degree, you receive a verification code and a link to a website where information about your degree is displayed. The verification code is valid for six months, allowing you to include it in your CV and share it with multiple individuals simultaneously. 

You share your degree by:
• Logging in to Ladok for students and go to ”Degrees and certificates”
• Selecting ”Share certificate”
• Sharing the retrieved control code with any recipient

This works for both digital diplomas and diplomas issued on paper.

Verification of a degree certificate issued on paper
Paper degree certificates can be verified by sharing degree information in Ladok for students or by contacting the university for verification.

My degree certificate was issued on paper. Can I receive a new degree certificate if the original is lost?

The degree certificate is an original document and is only issued in one copy. You cannot receive a new degree certificate if you lose it. We can send a copy of your degree certificate from our archive.

My degree certificate was issued on paper. Can I get a digital degree certificate?

No, a digital degree certificate cannot be obtained for a degree issued on paper.

Can changes be made to an issued degree?

You cannot add or remove courses from an issued degree.

Does a study programme lead to a specific degree?

At Örebro University there are several free or set study programmes. Most set programmes lead to a professional degree, and qualifications as teacher, social worker, nurse, psychologist, etc. For a general degree you do not have to follow a specific programme, as long as you fulfil the degree requirements.

Can I include courses with overlapping content?

If courses with overlapping content are included in the degree, credits will be deducted from the total to compensate.

Does the degree certificate cost money?

The degree certificate is issued free of charge.

Do the same regulations apply at the different higher education institutions?

Each higher education institution issues local regulations in addition to the national ones. Please note that the requirements for the same degree may vary at the different higher education institutions.

What do I have the right to appeal against and who do I contact?

Decisions concerning the crediting of courses and rejections of degree applications can be appealed against to the Higher Education Appeals Board.

The written appeal is sent to Överklagandenämnden för högskolan, Örebro University, SE-701 82 Örebro. In the appeal you must state which decision you want to appeal against and what changes you want made. The appeal must have reached the university within three weeks after you received the decision.