Örebro University Scholarship Recipients

students sitting with eachother

There were many well-qualified applicants for the Örebro University Scholarships. The following scholarships covering the full tuition have been awarded based on commitment to studies at Örebro University, suitability for the programme of study and academic merits.

Awarded scholarships for the Academic Year 2024/2025

  • Ezekiel Adetola Talabi, Master's Programme in Social Analysis
  • Chinmayee Saravan Talabattula, Master's Programme in Information Security Management
  • Henrique Paulino da Silva, Master's Programme in Musicology and Human Beings
  • Chantal Sifa, Master's Programme in Statistics - Statistical Modelling and Data Science

Decisions to award the scholarships were made on April 30, 2024. Students who are awarded a scholarship will be notified via e-mail. 

Inquires regarding the selection results may be directed to internationalmasters@oru.se