Health and Insurance for Master's Students

Students at Örebro University are covered by different insurances, depending on their student status. Make sure you know which student category you have and pay particular attention to coverage and restrictions.

Health care

Sweden has excellent healthcare, which you are entitled to while studying here. There are no vaccination requirements for coming to Sweden, or for travel within the EU. Most doctors, nurses and dentists speak English and, in some cases, other languages than Swedish.

The emergency telephone number in Sweden is 112.

For healthcare advice call 1177, which is open to call 24 hours a day. It is not always easy to know how sick you might be. Dialing 1177 puts you in touch directly with an experienced nurse who will assess your condition. The nurse will offer advice and inform you about what clinic to visit, if that is necessary.

Insurance for non-EU/EEA/Swiss citizens

If you are a non-EU/EEA/Swiss citizen and required to pay tuition fees for your studies at Örebro University, you are also covered by a special insurance provided by the Swedish government called FAS+ (on the condition that your tuition fees for the semester are paid in full). This insurance includes accident coverage, costs for home transport in case of illness or accident, liability coverage, legal expenses and property coverage. The FAS+ insurance is valid two weeks prior the start of the semester and two weeks after the end of the semester.

When applying for your residence permit via the Swedish Migration Agency online application, you will be requested to provide proof of insurance. Terms and conditions are found on Kammarkollegiet's website.

Insurance for EU/EEA/Swiss students

Citizens of EU/EEA countries or Switzerland are to register and attain a European Health Insurance Card (EHIC) in their home country prior to coming to Sweden. It is important to bring card with you. The EHIC entitles you to Sweden's public medical services and on the same conditions as Swedish citizens.

Information about the European Health Insurance Card

Family Members

The University does not insure any family members that join you in Sweden. Be sure to therefore secure necessary insurance for all family members in your home country prior to leaving starting your trip.