Master's Programme in Chemistry in Environmental Forensics, 120 credits

Start term: Autumn 2025 (Cancelled)

Are you interested in an education leading to a profession where you can contribute to an improved sustainability for humans and the environment? The Master of Chemistry in Environmental forensics (MSc) gives you tools for investigative studies in analytical environmental chemistry.

Lab at Master of Chemistry in Environmental Forensics

Specific entry requirements

Bachelor of Natural Sciences or Chemical engineering with at least 60 ECTS in Chemistry. The applicant must also have qualifications corresponding to the course "English 6" or "English B" from the Swedish Upper Secondary School.

Tuition fees

EU citizens

If you have citizenship in a European Union (EU) or European Economic Area (EEA) country, or Switzerland, you are NOT required to pay application or tuition fees.

Non - EU citizens

Tuition fee, first instalment: 67390 SEK

Total fee: 269560 SEK

Environmental forensics is a multidisciplinary science combining various disciplines for an increased knowledge on chemicals released into the environment and their effects on human and environmental health. The Master of Chemistry in Environmental Forensics (MSc) offers a broad education in close connection to research related to chemical safety, health and the environment. This education gives you the opportunity to develop the knowledge needed for you to contribute to a sustainable society.

The programme offers insight into several disciplines including (bio)analytical and environmental analysis to characterize the source and amounts of chemical contaminants in the environment and describe their history. To facilitate a broad understanding in environmental forensics, the master programme includes a wide range of sciences, focusing on environmental chemistry, field sampling, human and environmental health, analytical chemistry, bioanalytical methods and chemometrics. The education ensures students gain practical field experience, studying real-life cases adopted from industry and research projects. The programme uses problem based learning (PBL) to encourage active learning and to develop problem solving abilities and good communication skills.

Year one covers distribution of environmental pollutants, environmental toxicology, human exposure, chemical and bioanalytical methods, and advanced statistics. Year two includes chemical safety, risk assessment, green chemistry and global sustainability followed by a project work in a research group and/or with industry.

Programme syllabus Master's Programme in Chemistry in Environmental Forensics, 120 credits

This two-year programme comprises 120 Credits and leads to a Degree of Master of Science (120 Credits). The main field of study for the degree is chemistry. Students can also choose to follow a one-year curriculum, obtaining a Degree of Master of Science (60 credits). The programme begins with the course The Transport of Pollutants through Soil, Water and Air, 15 Credits, discussing pollutants and their characteristics, origin and distribution between different media (soil, water, and air).

The programme gives students an in-depth theoretical background to the different fields of environmental forensics, including documentation of polluted areas, identification of pollution sources, transport modelling and determination of environmental pollutants using advanced analytical methods. Aspects of human and environmental health are included as well as toxicology and bioanalytical methods for assessing effects of chemicals and chemical mixtures. Descriptive and multivariate statistics, chemical safety and risk assessment are also included in the study programme. A problem-based learning approach based on environmental-forensic case studies is applied during the course of the programme. These case studies, as well as the programme as a whole, have strong links to research projects within the MTM Research Centre.

Programme content
Year one

  • The Transport of Pollutants in Soil, Water, and Air, 15 Credits
  • Analytical Methods in Environmental Forensics I, 15 Credits
  • Analytical Methods in Environmental Forensics II, 15 Credits
  • Environmental Toxicology, 10 Credits
  • Health Impacts of Environmental Exposure, 5 Credits
Year two

  • Sustainability, Chemical Safety and the Environment, 15 Credits
  • Independent Project for the Degree of Master (120 Credits) in Chemistry, 45 Credits

Specific entry requirements: Bachelor of Natural Sciences or Chemical engineering with at least 60 ECTS in Chemistry. The applicant must also have qualifications corresponding to the course "English 6" or "English B" from the Swedish Upper Secondary School.

First semester: Autumn semester 2025

Pace of study: Full Time

Level: Second Cycle

Study places: 10

Selection: Number of credits obtained no later than on the last application date

Study venue: Örebro

School: School of Science and Technology

Qualifications: Degree of Master of Arts/Science [60 credits], Degree of Master of Arts/Science [120 credits]

Language of instruction: The language of instruction is English.

Head of programme: Leo Yeung

Application code ORU-M5500

Chemists with a focus on environmental forensics are sought in business, industries, research and governments. The education makes you eligible for high-end work in analytical chemistry, environmental chemistry, toxicology, chemical safety, and environmental management and consulting. The Masters' degree qualifies for PhD studies for a possible academic career in advanced analytical chemistry and environmental chemistry.

You apply through, you will find all information about the application process under the tab “Find out more”.

You can find information about different types of scholarships from ORU and from Swedish institute.

We are sorry, but we cannot evaluate your eligibility before a complete application is made through

After completing the degree, you can work in various organizations and companies in government and private sectors. At present, we have graduate students working in the following job areas and job profiles:

Job areas
Government sector (National food agency, County Administrative Board of Örebro County, Åland Environmental and health protection authority)
Private sector (Cambrex, Tyrens AB)
Research (Örebro University and Luleå University in Sweden, University of Amsterdam in the Netherlands, and University of Birmingham, the UK)

Job profile
Water management officer
Environmental analytical chemist
Environmental consultant
R&D analytical chemist
PhD student
Laboratory engineer
Project secretary

This two-year programme comprises 120 Credits and leads to a Degree of Master of Science (120 Credits). The main field of study for the degree is chemistry. Students can also choose to follow a one-year curriculum, obtaining a Degree of Master of Science (60 credits). A one-year master includes a 15 or 30 credits independent project work.

If you are to study at a university, university college, higher vocational education or folk high school at the post-secondary level in Sweden for a period of time longer than three months, you can apply for a residence permit for higher education. If you have received a residence permit for higher education, you also have the right to work in Sweden during the same time that you have a residence permit.

There are also possibilities to work as a teaching assistant in Chemistry, Biology and Environmental Science up 20% of full work time.

Details please visit the following link:

If your family is accompanying you to Sweden, you can apply for permits for them at the same time in your online application. Your family can also apply for permits at a later date.

Details please visit the following link:

There may be some openings for teaching assistant from the department. You may apply for the teaching assistant post. Currently the university hires teaching assistants in Chemistry, Biology and Environmental Science, working up to 20%.

This is possible. You may have to discuss with the study advisor of the programme.

This is possible. You may have to discuss the plan and details with the study advisor, programme leader of the programme. You will always have a supervisor from Örebro university and in the case of an external independent project work also an external co-supervisor.

If you have a residence permit for studies in higher education in Sweden and have completed your studies you can get a residence permit to seek employment or explore the possibilities of starting your own business here.

Details please visit the following link:

Contact us.

Study Advisor: Ulla Stenlund, Phone: +46 19 303000 (switchboard),

Programme Director: Leo Yeung, Phone: +46 19 30 1421,

Contact our graduate student Lisanna via

You can contact our study advisors with questions regarding subjects, courses, programmes, and the labor market. For example, there may be questions about eligibility, admission scores, the content of the programs and courses, how you plan your studies, degree and more. Our study advisors can also provide information on credit transfer, study breaks and study interruptions. The study advisor is bound by professional secrecy regarding information.

Lisanna Sinisalu, Pascal Camoiras, Pontus Larsson, Åke Bergman and Ingrid Ericson Jogsten.

Lisanna Sinisalu, Pascal Camoiras, Pontus Larsson, Åke Bergman and Ingrid Ericson Jogsten.

Master’s students attended symposium with international scientists

Åke Bergman is a world-renowned figure within environmental chemistry – he has worked for the UN and is involved in several EU projects. Since the spring 2018, he is a visiting professor at Örebro University.

“Åke Bergman seems to be involved in almost everything. He has many good ideas,” says Lisanna Sinisalu.

Together with Pontus Larsson and Pascal Camoiras, she is a student on the Master’s Programme in Chemistry with a Focus on Environmental Forensics. The symposium for Åke Bergman included several international scientists as speakers and the students took the opportunity to attend the event.

World free from chemicals

Professor Juliette Legler from Utrecht University was one of the speakers. She was looking ahead. What would a safe world look like in terms of chemicals – a world where both humans and animals are protected from harmful chemicals?


Children and chemicals

The students also got to listen to Joelle Rüegg, researcher at Karolinska Institutet. Her research involves looking at the link between early life exposure to endocrine disrupting chemicals (EDCs) and conditions such as obesity and neurodevelopmental disorders.


Thyroid hormone affects brain

Thomas Zoeller is professor of biology at University of Massachusetts and visiting professor at Örebro University. His research focuses on how thyroid hormone deficiency affects foetal brain development.


The event closed with a lecture by Åke Bergman.

“The symposium made me realise the importance of communication and collaboration between the different natural science disciplines in order to achieve the best results,” says Pontus Larsson.

“One thing that spoke to me was the importance of applying a critical eye to your own data. It is easy to overlook things, which will lead to inaccurate results,” adds Pascal Camoiras.

Just like the instruction on the Master’s programme, the symposium was entirely in English. In fact, it was the opportunity to study in English that attracted Lisanna Sinisalu from Estonia and Pascal Camoiras from Germany to Örebro.

“All research is conducted in English, and undertaking your studies in English is a step towards a career in research,” says Lisanna Sinisalu.

Pontus Larsson has a Bachelor’s degree from the Analytical Science Programme in Chemistry with a Focus on Forensics at Örebro University. Continuing his studies in Örebro was for him a matter of course.

“Örebro University is at the forefront of chemistry research. And the research conducted here is within a field that I would like to focus on in my career,” says Pontus Larsson.

Camilla Brus and Amelie Nordström

The Programme offers an unique breadth

Camilla Brus and Amelie Nordström have known each other ever since they were six years old. Perhaps it was then that they decided that chemistry and environmental work would be their future. Now some twenty years later, they are both studying on the international programme Master of Chemistry in Environmental Forensics at Örebro University.

They agree that they have made the right educational choice and that the best thing about studying the subject is the breadth that the programme offers. The opportunity to learn not only all the aspects of the various substances which can affect the environment, but also environmental legislation. They also appreciate the good relationship between students and their teachers here.

“We are a fairly small group of students and we have great contact with all of our teachers,” says Camilla, adding, “We are able to influence our education and provide feedback, while being at the forefront of development in the subject.”

After her Bachelor's degree, Camilla began working as an analytical chemist at Cambrex in Karlskoga, but environmental chemistry enticed her back to the University, where she began her Master’s studies in 2016. “I looked at other universities, but decided on Örebro and environmental chemistry,” says Camilla.

As for Amelie, she remained at the University following her Bachelor's degree, being employed at the Man-Technology-Environment research centre (MTM). “In my work I analyse all sorts of things, everything from thirty-year-old seal fat to turtles’ liver” adding, “And of course, I did some teaching too.”

Camilla and Amelie are still good friends, and agree that the students on the programme are a close-knit group. “We do a lot of things together, even in our spare. Like going for a coffee, to the movies or to the student union” says Camilla. She continues, “Going downtown for coffee, or eating lunch by the castle, is really nice. Örebro is a large town in a smaller format.”

“The programme offers great breadth, allowing us to choose what we want to do”, says Camilla. Amelie agrees, adding, “We will be able to work with airborne pollutants, or the legislation intended to regulate emissions.” Both are willing to work in the private sector, for an organisation or at a government agency, perhaps even coming back for a PhD in the subject.

Text and Photo: Micael Jonsborg

Translation: Jerry Gray

Pascal Camoriras and Stefania Rabasco

"A friendly campus close to nature"

Why Örebro University?

"Örebro has a good reputation, a high ranking among international universities and is the perfect fit for my continued studies," says Pascal Camoriras González, from Germany, Master’s student in the Chemistry in Environmental Forensics programme. "And as an EU citizen, not having to pay tuition fees is a nice bonus." Örebro University topped his shortlist of four Swedish universities.

Stefania Rabasco came to a similar conclusion. "Since I had studied in England and wanted to continue living and studying abroad, it was very important to me that English was spoken in the country, not the least because I have my family with me."

She also praises the application process for being simple and straightforward, "almost everything was on one portal, which is quite effective." Pascal Camoriras agrees, "In the countries I considered, you had to visit each university’s homepage to find programme information."

"The fact that the University helps find accommodation for its Master’s students is very helpful. I just had to accept the room assignment. I’ve even got my own kitchen and bathroom," says Pascal Camoriras. For Stefania Rabasco’s family of three, it was deal-maker, "Yes, for me it was actually a major point for choosing Örebro. None of the other universities I checked offered this help. Orebro University offers help to small families."

Fascinating and informal curriculum

The small class size of Örebro’s Master’s programme – limited to ten students – is something that Stefania Rabasco points out as a real advantage. "I like this approach, it’s a different way to study. In a small study group, you’re more active in your learning. Not just reading books and attending lectures, you’re actively solving a problem, while learning from each other. I think everyone should experience this, it’s really great!"

Pascal Camoriras is also fascinated by the problem-based learning (PBL) approach at Örebro University, "I think it is a much better way to learn. Plus taking one course at a time is very positive," and adds, "We make field trips and do labs too. Instead of just studying the subject, we actually do it."

The informal lifestyle in Örebro is something they are both quite satisfied with. Getting to know the other students on the programme is much easier. Along with the Swedish culture of calling teachers by their first name, which they feel helps create a positive relationship between students and teachers.

A friendly campus close to nature

Many things in Örebro were as anticipated, while others were pleasantly unexpected. "Since the city and the people are European, it wasn’t that much of a cultural change for me. On the other hand, everything is so very well organised and the people I’ve met are so calm. It’s quite relaxed here, which is something I really appreciate," says Stefania.

Pascal points out, "On campus there’s a café and pub run by other students, which I’ve never seen before. It was a friendly surprise." Stefania add enthusiastically, "Oh, and there are microwaves in our building, so I can warm up my food, it’s so great!"

Both enjoy being active at the University and in the close-by nature. Stefania says, "I bike everywhere, all the time. It’s so green everywhere. Everyone is so mindful. Which is very relaxing." Pascal adds "Sweden’s well known for its beautiful nature and its wonderful environment, things that are important to me too." Then Stefania reminds Pascal, "We’ve both tried yoga! And visited a gym for the first time in our lives."

Student stories

Welmoed Nauta

Master’s programme opened the door for doctoral studies in Örebro

Combining her interest in the environment and chemistry with Örebro being in the heart of Sweden attracted Welmoed Nauta from the Netherlands to Örebro University.
“I love being able to step outside and be in nature,” she says.

Kjell Hope

Global Swede Award to international master’s student in chemistry

“I am extremely honoured to have been selected for this award. This really shows that I made the right decision to travel halfway across the world in order to pursue this academic dream of mine. Being able to meet such wonderful people who have all been instrumental to me becoming who I am would never have happened if I stayed in my home country. It is amazing to see my efforts being recognised, both in my personal and academic life. It is things like this that propel me to strive for excellence,” says Kjell Hope.

Kjell Hope is an international master’s student in chemistry, specialising in environmental forensics, at Örebro University. Among other things, the nomination for the Global Swede Award describes Kjell Hope as a top student with very good analytical skills. It also emphasises his involvement in voluntary work and the Erasmus Student Network Örebro (ESN).
In a special digital ceremony, Minister for Trade and Nordic Affairs Anna Hallberg and the Swedish Institute’s Director-General Madeleine Sjöstedt paid tribute to international students in Swedish higher education. Award certificates were presented to some 20 students from 16 countries around the world.

“Global Swede is our way of saying thank you to a number of remarkable students each year for choosing Sweden while welcoming them to our global alumni network. These are challenging times, especially for new graduates, but with their experiences from Sweden I am convinced that they will help to build bridges between our country and the rest of the world,” says Anna Hallberg.

Editor: Linda Harradine

Per Ragneborn

Looking at the programme I would hope and expect that students leaving Örebro University develop a habit to challenge the status quo.

Tell us about your background?
I've got a Master of Science in Biotechnology from Umea University. During my degree project, I focused on developing a 2DLC/MS (Two-Dimensional Liquid Chromatograph / Mass Spectrometry method) to measure the level of proteins in trees. My professor was in the process of investing in the latest Mass Spectrometry system from Waters and hence I got in contact with the local Swedish Waters office and was offered a position as a Nordic Field Service Engineer which I accepted in January 2003. During my 13 years at Waters, I've had many different positions including customer education, product specialist, sales specialist (or account manager as it is called). For the last 6 years, I've been in Sales Management responsible for a team of 4 Account Managers. My main focus is to ensure that we as a local Waters organisation reach our financial goals. I'm also part of the Nordic Management team responsible for all Waters activities in the Nordic Countries.

Why is your company interested in the programme?
As a vendor for high-end analytical instrumentation across many different markets, spanning from diagnostic measurements in the hospitals to the Norwegian Oil industry as well as the major pharmaceutical companies, Waters has a unique insight into the overall laboratory-based market. We believe that programmes like this offer a very good opportunity for us to share some of our experiences and provide input into the creation of this programme. We believe that our input, combined with other internal and external input, will ensure a high quality of the programme and ultimately the quality of the students leaving the programme. As a vendor for analytical instrumentation, we're also a fairly large employer with 45 employees in Sweden. On a global level Waters employs more than 6,000 persons so from that aspect we're always interested in highly qualified individuals, students as well as people with previous working experience. On a similar note, we also would like to ensure that our future customers have a good understanding of the tasks involved in working in a lab or in similar professions. The systems and solutions we sell are rather complex and there is a lot of training and support required to operate and maintain analytical instrumentations. At the end of the day, a qualified customer base will make our daily job easier. 

How is Waters involved in the programme?
As mentioned above our main contribution is to share our expertise, but more specifically we're also providing inputs on the business side of things. If there is one thing I've picked up during my career that stands out more than I expected as a student it would be the value of money. All decisions in any organisation, private or public, is to one extent driven by business needs. All investments require proper business cases, budgets need to be balanced, personal benefits need to be negotiated etc. I believe that any student leaving the University should have at least some level of understanding of the financial dynamics going on in the "real world" as it will significantly enhance the opportunities for job opportunities and an exciting career.

In addition to this, we are involved in specific parts of the programme taking advantage of our expertise in the field of chromatography and mass spectrometry which is the heart of most analytical labs.

Expectations of students, programme?
It is difficult to have any specific expectations on the students more than usual, hard work pays off in the end! From the programme itself, I would expect to see highly qualified students leaving the programme ready for the next step, either staying within academia or leaving for private or public employers. Looking at the programme strictly from our perspective I would hope and expect that students leaving Örebro University develop a habit to challenge the status quo. The development in the analytical instrumentation is very fast and what was state of the art yesterday could be yesterday's news tomorrow.