Rental period and Payment of accommodation

Rental period and payment

Rental period

Housing rent is for the whole semester (one rental period) or the whole academic year (two rental periods). The rental period for the autumn semester is from August to January, and the spring semester is from January to June. If you are staying for a whole academic year, the rental period is from August to June and is billed as two invoices.

Autumn semester:
18 August 2025 to 16 January 2026

Spring semester:
19 January 2025 to 9 June 2025

Whole academic year:
19 August 2024 to 9 June 2025

Rent for one semester (one rental period) Brick Lane SEK 25,000, The Pine and Forskaren SEK 31,000. Co-housing in The Oak varies between SEK 21,000-25,000 and depends on size.
Please note that annual rent increases are expected. Full-year students with an existing contract are not affected by rent increases.


All students who have submitted their housing application on time will receive an invoice via email, including payment instructions. The invoice will include a refundable deposit of SEK 2,500. The deposit can be forfeited upon departure if cleaning is unsatisfactory or if items belonging to the accommodation are missing.

Before arrival, all students must have paid one rental period in full by 1 August (autumn semester) or 31 December (spring semester). After payment, you do not need to contact us for payment confirmation. However, we will contact you if we have not received your payment.

Full-year students must pay the whole rent for their second semester (spring semester) by 31 January. 
Full-year students who study from January to January and stay over the summer must pay rent for the summer months. This means that your first invoice includes rent for 7 months. The one for the autumn semester 5 months.

Payment information

International payment – wire transfer:
Accountholder: Örebro University
IBAN: SE18 1200 0000 0128 1010 6274

Bank address:
Danske Bank
Norrmalmstorg 1
Box 7523
103 92 Stockholm

Payment from Swedish account:
Bankgiro: 5052-2713

Payment by credit card:

Follow this link for payment by card

Payment in EUR or USD Is acceptable and at your bank's current currency rate.

Please include your invoice number and payer's name as the reference.

Note: you are responsible for any bank and transfer charges.


Arriving before rental period

If you arrive before the rental period begins, you must find temporary housing on your own.