Nomination Summer School in Robotics Nomination form 2025 Nomination deadline for the Summer School 2025 is April 08, 2025. For any questions regarding the nomination please contact Student surname Student first name Student email address Student date of birth Student gender -- Välj ett alternativ -- Female Male Student wishes not to state The student is nominated as participant waiting list candidate Home university -- Välj ett alternativ -- Aston University Bielefeld University University of Jaén University of Nicosia University of Ostrava University of Salerno University of Suceava University of Tours Šiauliai State University of Applied Sciences Transcript of records Please upload the student's academic transcript of records in English for all studies at university level. The document must state all courses, grades and credits obtained at university level, both bachelor and, if applicable, master level. Current courses If it is not shown in the transcript of records above, please state here the courses (including the number of ECTS) the student is currently studying at the home university. Alternatively please upload the students certificate of registration with the current courses. Coordinator at the home university Coordinator email address Who should receive the invoice for accommodation? Student Home University Örebro University will process the personal data you have entered above, for the purpose of administering your case. More information on how Örebro University processes personal data can be found on the webpage Data protection policy at Örebro University (link below). I have understood the way Örebro University process personal information Data Protection policy at Örebro University Submit