Video Essays for Film- and Media Students, 15 Credits

In this course we explore and produce scholarly video essays. We investigate the topic critically and in depth, and from the perspectives of videographic film studies, the essay film tradition, and questions of film as theory/philosophy. The final examination is the creation of a scholarly video essay, which can be likened to a smaller thesis in video form – and here we build on basic knowledge of how to write scholarly theses. The course aims to give students a critical, rhetorical, and theoretical edge in producing videos essays.

ECTS Credits

15 Credits

Level of education

First cycle, the level of specialised study for general qualification cannot be classified (GXX)


School of Humanities, Education and Social Sciences

When is the course offered?

Prerequisites: 120 credits film studies, cultural studies, media and communication studies or media studies, of which at least 60 credits are for specialized studies in film studies.

Selection: Academic points

Additional information: Teaching methods
The course can be made up of lectures, laboratory work, seminars, field studies, exercises, placement studies, web-based discussions and/or workshops.

The course can be assessed through written examination, take-home examination, compulsory course components, paper, essay and/or oral examination.

Course syllabus

Application code: X1908