Statistics, Bayesian Statistics, Second Cycle, 5 Credits
The Bayesian approach to statistical inference rests on a wider interpretation of probabilities where personal information about unknown quantities can be expressed following the rules of probability. This enables the inclusion of this prior information in the statistical analysis. The following topics are covered in the course: Subjective probabilities, basic decision theory, Bayes rule and Bayesian inference, hypothesis testing and model choice, conjugate distributions.
ECTS Credits
5 Credits
Level of education
Second cycle, has second-cycle course/s as entry requirements (A1F)
Örebro University School of Business
When is the course offered?
Prerequisites: First-cycle courses of 90 credits in Statistics, alternatively first-cycle courses of 30 credits in statistics and 60 credits in mathematics, alternatively first-cycle courses of 60 credits in statistics including 7.5 credits of Statistical theory and 7.5 credits of Regression analysis/Econometrics. The applicant must also have the courses Probability Theory, Second Cycle, 5 credits and Computational Statistics, Second Cycle, 7.5 credits, as well as qualifications corresponding to the course "English 6" or "English B" from the Swedish Upper Secondary School.
Selection: Academic points
Application code: X2033