Software Architectures, 7.5 Credits
Creating large-scale software intensive systems is interesting, but also extremely challenging experience for many development teams. Not only because the software modules and connections between them need to be properly managed, but also because requirements from various stakeholders need to be collected, filtered, and accounted for. Thus, the primary goal of Software Architecture is to deliver value to the customer and to ensure development potential of the product by predicting and addressing software requirements. This course looks into the role of architect through the prism of Attribute Driven Design process. The content of the course includes theoretical background on the key steps of the process, but also a large practical part, which walks the students through the process of identifying and categorizing stakeholders, collecting and managing functional requirements and quality attributes, translating them into architectural elements, and verifying architectures through the trade-off analysis. By the end of the students, students are able to implement the software architecting process in the context of organizations and product stakeholders, create architectures for software intensive systems, and communicate architectural decisions in efficient way to different groups of stakeholders.
ECTS Credits
7.5 Credits
Level of education
Second cycle, has only first-cycle course/s as entry requirements (A1N)
School of Science and Technology
When is the course offered?
Prerequisites: Software Engineering for MSc in Engineering, 15 Credits. The applicant must also have qualifications corresponding to the course "English 6" or "English B" from the Swedish Upper Secondary School.
Selection: Academic points
Application code: X5017