Production Development, 30 Credits

The course gives students the opportunity to develop the ability to theoretically and practically apply methods and tools for sustainable production development. The course also develops the students’ ability to communicate and discuss production-relevant issues in innovative technology areas.
The main content of the course:

  • Basic theories and methods of production development.
  • Scientific methods and literature search.
  • Innovative technology areas such as for example Digitalization, Renewable energy sources, Automation, Additive manufacturing.
  • Project work within the scope of the course connected to a company or research group.

ECTS Credits

30 Credits

Level of education

Second cycle, has only first-cycle course/s as entry requirements (A1N)


School of Science and Technology

When is the course offered?

Prerequisites: Manufacturing Engineering for MSc in Engineering, 9 Credits, Quality Development in Production Processes, 6 Credits, Machine Design for MSc in Engineering, 9 Credits and Financial Planning and Control with Industrial Investments and Financing, 7,5 Credits. The applicant must also have qualifications corresponding to the course "English 6" or "English B" from the Swedish Upper Secondary School.

Selection: Guaranteed place

Course syllabus

Application code: X5039