Music Composition and Interpretation I, 30 Credits

The course focuses on your artistic and musical development through composition projects for ensembles in different genres. Studies in music theory, harmony, ear training, etc. give you additional preparation for a future career as a composer.
The entrance test consists of three of your own compositions, where at least one of the compositions should be written for instrumental ensemble (e.g. orchestra, big band, string quartet, wind quintet). Other examples of submitted compositions can be works for solo instruments, choir or digital sound media.

ECTS Credits

30 Credits

Level of education

First cycle, the level of specialised study for general qualification cannot be classified (GXX)


School of Music, Theatre and Art

When is the course offered?

Prerequisites: 60 Credits at a Bachelor Program of Fine Arts in Music and passed entrance test in Music Programme in Composition and a additional passed proficiency test assessing musical knowledge and skills.

Selection: Academic points

Course syllabus

Application code: X4802

Prerequisites: 60 Credits at a Bachelor Program of Fine Arts in Music and passed entrance test in Music Programme in Composition and a additional passed proficiency test assessing musical knowledge and skills.

Selection: Academic points

Course syllabus

Application code: X4904