Law and Digital Technologies, 15 Credits

The aim of the course is to analyze and discuss certain legal aspects of digitalization, in relation to EU law, international law as well as human rights. The course focuses on the relationship between law and technology. The topics examined in the course are digital transformation, the disruptive role of technology, the challenges and opportunities of new media in relation to international law and EU law. Further topics analyzed in the course are digital technology, AI and autonomous systems, how these technologies impact law, as well as how digital environment offers opportunities to facilitate the interactions of citizens, businesses, and non-governmental organizations with public administrations. The course also addresses data protection regulations, in particular in EU law, and the legal frameworks regulating access to the Internet, especially the measures safeguarding an equal and non-discriminatory provision of services, and end users’ rights. Within the context of human rights, the course focuses particularly on the protection of freedom of expression and protection of privacy in the new digital age.

ECTS Credits

15 Credits

Level of education

First cycle, has at least 60 credits in first-cycle course/s as entry requirements (G2F)


School of Behavioural, Social and Legal Sciences

When is the course offered?

Prerequisites: Basic Course in Law, 30 ECTS credits, and Intermediate Course in Law, 30 ECTS credits (for exchange students).

Introduction to Legal Thinking 30 ECTS credits, Introduction to digitalisation and legal tech 7.5 ECTS credits, 1,5 ECTS credits from Comparative Constitutional Law, 7.5 Credits, EU Law 15 ECTS credits, and 10 ECTS credits from Public International Law, 15 ECTS credits. Alternative, Introduction to Legal Thinking 30 ECTS credits, Introduction to digitalisation and legal tech 7.5 ECTS credits, EU Law 15 ECTS credits, and 10 ECTS credits from Human Rights, 24 ECTS credits (for programme students only).

Selection: Academic points

Course syllabus

Application code: X3017