Informatics, Regulatory Aspects of Information Security, Second Cycle, 7.5 Credits
Standards, laws and other regulatory aspects are extremely important for the development of high quality information security management systems. These regulations are used both as a means to understand some fundamental requirements in society but regulations can also be key elements for the development of different technical and organisational security measures in order to ensure secure handling of information. The course also includes information security policies, which are seen as an important part of the information security management system. The students will be trained to analyse, use and develop an information security policy based on relevant standards, laws, regulations as well as previous knowledge about policy development. Students will also train their ability to make ethical assessments relevant for the management of information security.
ECTS Credits
7.5 Credits
Level of education
Second cycle, has only first-cycle course/s as entry requirements (A1N)
Örebro University School of Business
When is the course offered?
Prerequisites: Informatics, Basic Course 30 Credits, 30 Credits at intermediate course level within Informatics and successful completion of at least 15 Credits at advanced course level within Informatics. Alternatively Business Administration, Basic Course, 30 Credits, Business Administration, Intermediate Course, 30 Credits and successful completion of at least 15 Credits at advanced course level within Business Administration. Alternatively 30 Credits within G1N in Computer Science and 45 Credits within G1F in Computer Science. The applicant must also have qualifications corresponding to the course "English B" or "English 6" from the Swedish Upper Secondary School.
Selection: Academic points
Application code: X2012