Informatics, Information Systems Theories, Second Cycle, 7.5 Credits
The objective of this course is to establish a theoretical foundation for research in information systems. The course offers an overview of the philosophy of science and major philosophical directions within information systems research, introduces major theories in the field of information systems, and explores the characteristics of information systems and IT artifacts, along with their applications in information systems research. Additionally, students will have the opportunity to write an essay reflecting their understanding of perspectives and theories in information systems, contextualized within a research problem in information security management. Furthermore, through interactive discussions during course seminars, students will develop critical thinking skills and gain insight into the application of theories in the field of information systems.
ECTS Credits
7.5 Credits
Level of education
Second cycle, has only first-cycle course/s as entry requirements (A1N)
Örebro University School of Business
When is the course offered?
Prerequisites: Informatics, Basic Course 30 Credits, 30 Credits at intermediate course level within Informatics and successful completion of at least 15 Credits at advanced course level within Informatics. Alternatively Business Administration, Basic Course, 30 Credits, Business Administration, Intermediate Course, 30 Credits and successful completion of at least 15 Credits at advanced course level within Business Administration. Alternatively 30 Credits within G1N in Computer Science and 45 Credits within G1F in Computer Science.
The applicant must also have qualifications corresponding to the course "English B" or "English 6" from the Swedish Upper Secondary School.Selection: Academic points
Application code: X2015