Human Rights, 24 Credits

The course addresses selected parts of international law and its protection of human rights (within global and regional legal frameworks). The European Convention of Human Rights and the European Court of Human Rights is addressed in depth. Civil and political as well as economic, social and cultural rights are introduced during the course, with certain rights analyzed in detail. The protection of specific groups and current challenges to the system of human rights are examined. Throughout the course, the responsibility of states for human rights violations as well as monitoring mechanisms to protect human rights are discussed. Moreover, the interaction between digitalization and human rights is discussed in the course.

ECTS Credits

24 Credits

Level of education

First cycle, has at least 60 credits in first-cycle course/s as entry requirements (G2F)


School of Behavioural, Social and Legal Sciences

When is the course offered?

Prerequisites: Basic Course in Law, 30 ECTS credits, and Intermediate Course in Law, 30 ECTS credits (for exchange students).

Introduction to Legal Thinking, 30 ECTS credits, 5 ECTS credits from Public International Law, 15 ECTS credits, 5 ECTS credits from EU Law, 15 ECTS credits and 22,5 ECTS credits in total from Introduction to Digitalization and Legal Tech, 7.5 ECTS credits, Comparative Constitutional Law, 7.5 ECTS credits and Administrative Law, 15 ECTS credits (for programme students only).

Selection: Academic points

Course syllabus

Application code: X3907

Prerequisites: Basic Course in Law, 30 ECTS credits, and Intermediate Course in Law, 30 ECTS credits (for exchange students).

Introduction to Legal Thinking, 30 ECTS credits, 5 ECTS credits from Public International Law, 15 ECTS credits, 5 ECTS credits from EU Law, 15 ECTS credits and 22,5 ECTS credits in total from Introduction to Digitalization and Legal Tech, 7.5 ECTS credits, Comparative Constitutional Law, 7.5 ECTS credits and Administrative Law, 15 ECTS credits (for programme students only).

Selection: Academic points

Course syllabus

Application code: X3108