GIS - Specialised Course, 7.5 Credits
The course introduces key ideas and developments in GIS. The aim is to present the most important theories and practical applications of GIS. The course provides in-depth knowledge of geographic information processing and cartography as well as the ability to work with different digital methods of collecting data and creating maps and doing analysis with geographic information systems (GIS). Great emphasis is placed on the analysis of information. During the course, methods for data collection and processing are discussed. An element of basic spatial statistics is included in the course. Part of the course consists of an independent project work. The effects of the new technology in society will also be addressed.
ECTS Credits
7.5 Credits
Level of education
First cycle, has less than 60 credits in first-cycle course/s as entry requirements (G1F)
School of Humanities, Education and Social Sciences
When is the course offered?
Prerequisites: 30 credits from the social sciences field of study.
Selection: Academic points
Additional information: Teaching methods
The course can be made up of lectures, laboratory work, seminars, field studies, exercises, placement studies, web-based discussions and/or workshops.Assessment
The course can be assessed through written examination, take-home examination, compulsory course components, paper, essay and/or oral examination.Application code: X1923
Prerequisites: 30 credits from the social sciences field of study.
Selection: Academic points
Application code: X1102