Gender, Power and Politics, 7.5 Credits
What counts as politics, or as a political problem, is not self-evident. This course problematizes the concept of politics from a feminist perspective. It addresses gender equality policy and women’s representation in parliamentary politics, as well as extra-parliamentary feminist activism and other gender political struggles such as the LGBTQI movement. Feminist perspectives on foreign policy, violence, security and sustainability are addressed. Throughout, intersectional perspectives are used to problematize gender, power and politics.
ECTS Credits
7.5 Credits
Level of education
First cycle, has only upper-secondary level entry requirements (G1N)
School of Humanities, Education and Social Sciences
When is the course offered?
Prerequisites: General entry requirements for university studies.
Selection: Average grade/national university aptitude test/university points
Additional information: Teaching methods
The course can be made up of lectures, laboratory work, seminars, field studies, exercises, placement studies, web-based discussions and/or workshops.Assessment
The course can be assessed through written examination, take-home examination, compulsory course components, paper, essay and/or oral examination.Application code: X1902