Experiencing Swedish Preschool and School, 7.5 Credits
This course examines what it means to be a professional teacher in a Swedish preschool or school. Through 15 days of teaching placement the students will have the opportunity to gain experience of education and teaching through several different activities such as observation, planning and conducting educational activities, and by conducting a minor field study in the form of interviewing teacher staff. It is important to note that to start the teaching placement each student need to present a police extract record to the preschool or school. This is an extract pertaining to yourself from the criminal records and records of suspected offenders.
ECTS Credits
7.5 Credits
Level of education
First cycle, the level of specialised study for general qualification cannot be classified (GXX)
School of Humanities, Education and Social Sciences
When is the course offered?
Prerequisites: A minimum of 30 credits from a teacher education program.
Selection: Academic points
Additional information: Teaching methods
The course can be made up of lectures, laboratory work, seminars, field studies, exercises, placement studies, web-based discussions and/or workshops.Assessment
The course can be assessed through written examination, take-home examination, compulsory course components, paper, essay and/or oral examination.Application code: X1913
Prerequisites: A minimum of 30 credits from a teacher education program.
Selection: Academic points
Additional information: Teaching methods
The course can be made up of lectures, laboratory work, seminars, field studies, exercises, placement studies, web-based discussions and/or workshops.
The course can be assessed through written examination, take-home examination, compulsory course components, paper, essay and/or oral examination.Application code: X1110