EU Public Law, 7.5 Credits
The course aims at providing in-depth understanding of EU administration law, with particular focus on basic principles for public procurement. The course covers inter alia the EU institutions, the legislative process in the EU, the courts system and the legal order in the EU, and their relation to the public administration of the Member States. The course particularly focuses on the judicial review applied to control the administrations of the EU and the Member States when they are acting within the scope of EU law, the case law of the EU courts, the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), basic principles of public procurement, and certain other selected areas, such as the work of the EU Ombudsman. Issues related to sustainability are also analyzed in the course.
ECTS Credits
7.5 Credits
Level of education
First cycle, has at least 60 credits in first-cycle course/s as entry requirements (G2F)
School of Behavioural, Social and Legal Sciences
When is the course offered?
Prerequisites: Basic Course in Law, 30 ECTS credits, and Intermediate Course in Law, 30 ECTS credits (for exchange students).
Introduction to Legal Thinking 30 ECTS credits, Administrative Law 15 ECTS credits, and EU Law 15 ECTS credits (for programme students only).
Selection: Academic points
Application code: X3015