Environmental Toxicology, Second Cycle, 10 Credits
The course deals with the effects of various toxic substances at molecular, cellular, organism and population level and toxicological methodology. Students learn about environmental pollutants and their chemical properties and how these properties are linked to absorption, distribution, metabolism and toxicological effects of the chemicals in the body. Emphasis will be placed on the toxic effects of the substances at molecular, cellular and organism level and how the effects can be studied. The course also gives insight into environmental risks with different classes of chemicals and the link between the chemical community and public health.
The course contains a practical work in the laboratory where the students study the presence of organic pollutants in environmental samples and the work includes sample collection, sample preparation and mechanism-specific bioassay of the samples.
ECTS Credits
10 Credits
Level of education
Second cycle, has only first-cycle course/s as entry requirements (A1N)
School of Science and Technology
When is the course offered?
Prerequisites: A first-cycle qualification comprising 90 credits in the main field of chemistry or biology. Or a first-cycle qualification comprising 90 credits in the main field of environmental science where toxicology is included. The applicant must also have qualifications corresponding to the course "English 6" or "English B" from the Swedish Upper Secondary School.
Selection: Guaranteed place
Application code: X5935
Prerequisites: A first-cycle qualification comprising 90 credits in the main field of chemistry or biology. Or a first-cycle qualification comprising 90 credits in the main field of environmental science where toxicology is included. The applicant must also have qualifications corresponding to the course "English 6" or "English B" from the Swedish Upper Secondary School.
Selection: Academic points
Application code: X5140