Economics, Economic Growth and Income Distribution, Intermediate Course, 7.5 Credits

The undergraduate course in economic growth and income distribution deals with both theory and empirics. The course covers both the basic Solow models, including technology and human capital, and the Romer model with endogenous technological change. Also, growth models, taking technological transfers, globalization, population growth (the Malthus model) and nonrenewable resources are considered in the course, as well as the importance and the impact of institutions on economic growth. The predictions of the models are tested against empirical evidence. Lectures are also devoted looking at the distribution of income and countries’ relative positions in the world distribution of per capita income. The course contains an individual written assignment, i.e., a shorter report, in which the student analyzes a given country’s convergence to steady-state using macro data from a public database.
Assessment: Written examinations
Individual assignment

ECTS Credits

7.5 Credits

Level of education

First cycle, has less than 60 credits in first-cycle course/s as entry requirements (G1F)


Örebro University School of Business

When is the course offered?

Prerequisites: Successful completion of at least 22,5 credits on the course Economics, Basic Course, 30 Credits, including Microeconomics, 7,5 credits and Macroeconomics, 7,5 credits.
12 credits on the course Basic Statistics, 15 credits and 3 credits on the course Data Mining and Business Analytics, Basic Course
12 credits on the course Basic Statistics, 15 Credits and 1,5 credits on the course Statistics, Regression Analysis, Basic Course, 7,5 Credits.

Selection: Academic points

Course syllabus

Application code: X2020