Biological Innovation, 7.5 Credits

There are many unresolved needs and challenges in society where biological solutions can contribute to new products and help us to understand problems better. The course is aimed at methods for identifying the possibilities of scientific innovation and what needs to be taken into account in order to successfully utilize biology in society and business. During the course, different aspects of the innovation process and the importance of experimental design are introduced to strengthen the scientific basis for biological innovation.

ECTS Credits

7.5 Credits

Level of education

First cycle, the level of specialised study for general qualification cannot be classified (GXX)


School of Science and Technology

When is the course offered?

Prerequisites: 22,5 credits biology.

Selection: Guaranteed place

Course syllabus

Application code: X5903

Prerequisites: 22,5 credits biology.

Selection: Guaranteed place

Course syllabus

Application code: X5103