What should be included

Before submitting your files we recommend that you read the instructions in Checklist – Final Editing.

The following must be included when you submit your thesis to avhandlingar@oru.se:

  • The actual thesis. The Thesis template sent as a word file.
  • Any papers/articles/studies that are part of the thesis. One PDF file for each article/paper/study. Name every file according to how you want it referred to on the fly-leaf and the thumb index (Paper, Article, Study, etc.) + your name, for example "Paper 1_Anna Andersson". Delete any fly-leaves, containing e.g. download information, that you do not want in the printed version. If you require our help with this, please let us know when you are submitting the files.
  • Completed title sheet. A Word template for title sheets can be downloaded
    from the page Thesis templates. Remember to check that the information on the loose title sheet corresponds to the information provided in the decision on the public defence of your doctoral thesis.
  • A digital portrait photograph, read more under the headline Photograph.
  • A text introducing you and your thesis to be printed on the book cover (to be sent as a Word file). There is room for around 2,500 characters, including spaces. There is no minimum number of characters. The text may well include your year of birth, as this data is requested when listing the thesis in Libris.
  • A cover photograph (optional), alternatively your choice of an existing picture, for the front book cover. Refer to the section on cover design for more information.
  • The Order information ENG.docx or equivalent information attached in some other way.

Download order information form here: