
You can have your picture taken at Technical Support Services (Teknisk service) at Örebro University. Appointments can be made by email: or by phone: +46 (0)19-30 39 30.

If you are working at Örebro University Hospital, please contact the hospital’s in-house photographers.

If you use another photographer you are required to obtain the photographer’s permission to print the photograph and to use it in media. As you submit your files for printing, please email the name of the photographer and a confirmation of his/her permission to

Cover photo

You will find a number of photos to choose from if you look at Structure_Cover.

If you want to use a photograph of your choice, the following applies

  1. The photograph must be related to the content of the thesis and/or to the university.
  2. You must have discussed your choice of photo with your supervisor or an equivalent representative at your school.
  3. You must obtain the photographer’s permission to use the photograph on the front cover.
  4. The name of the photographer must be printed in connection with the photo.
  5. The final format of the photograph will be: width 160 mm, including 3 mm bleed x height 127 mm. This means that the photo size must be at least 1890 x 1500 pixels. To obtain the highest possible quality, you should avoid compressing it as much as possible. Remember for instance that for each time a JPG picture is opened and re-saved, the image quality will be reduced.
  6. If you have specific requests regarding cropping, it is important that you give clear instructions when you submit your photograph.